Mr. Somebody
Friend Of A Friend
What do you think about Python.
What do you think about Python.
Im teaching myself Java now. I'm still in the Mickey Mouse realm of shyt like operators. Looking forward to getting into more conceptual shyt and actually making basic programs. The syntax wasat first but now I'm starting to feel comfortable. Biggest thing for me now is understanding what exactly I can do with programming and understanding how I can use it to bring value to a company.
Appreciate it breh. I'm trying to learn Java and then once I'm comfy with that I'll dive into SQL. See what happens.If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, now matter how simple you think it is. I'm here to help. Good luck.
Appreciate it breh. I'm trying to learn Java and then once I'm comfy with that I'll dive into SQL. See what happens.
Yep I read a little about that in the Java tutorial. One big help is that I do a lot of shyt in Excel, so I already have a pretty solid grasp of operators, Booleans, if->then statements, arrays etc. I'm just trying to get to the next level. I appreciate the help though breh I will definitely be in touch.Good choices. Once you feel good with the syntax and structure, make sure you begin to understand how things sit in memory, how much space things use, the speed of you program relative to the size of the input or data. That's very important to learn but you can do it down the line.
Yep I read a little about that in the Java tutorial. One big help is that I do a lot of shyt in Excel, so I already have a pretty solid grasp of operators, Booleans, if->then statements, arrays etc. I'm just trying to get to the next level. I appreciate the help though breh I will definitely be in touch.
Yep I read a little about that in the Java tutorial. One big help is that I do a lot of shyt in Excel, so I already have a pretty solid grasp of operators, Booleans, if->then statements, arrays etc. I'm just trying to get to the next level. I appreciate the help though breh I will definitely be in touch.
U may be right. I started with Python but figured JAva would make me more marketable. Def a lot more Java jobs. However just looking at the diff between the "Hello World" programs for both is kindaHonestly, you'd probably be better served starting off with a language like Python because you will learn the fundamental concepts of programming a lot quicker and will be able to actually do functional things quicker without having to worry about all the syntax... or if you're into web development you could start with Javascript or PHP.
U may be right. I started with Python but figured JAva would make me more marketable. Def a lot more Java jobs. However just looking at the diff between the "Hello World" programs for both is kinda
Plus there is this pretty good website
Lets you compile right in your browser.
What are the advantages of one over the other... I want to learn to program to become employable.