god dammit.

every damn time.
Why do yall always imagine that Batman is going to magically freeze time, look under dudes masks, collect blood samples and then spend 20 years making potions and antidotes and shyt. just to come back, restart time and say "

okay I'm ready".
Imagine YOU getting mugged or some shyt and talking about "

hold on breh let me invoke prep time right quick" and leaving then coming back with dude birth certificate and a gun.
If Batman and Spiderman got suddenly teleported into an adamantium cube and some telepath made them fight to the death, spiderman would whoop that ass.
If Badman swooped down on Spidey thinking he was a new villain, spidey would whoop that ass.
If Spidey decided he was gonna smack the shyt out of Batman and batman knew he was coming, Spidey would whoop that ass.
All of this dumb ass hypothetical "

Batman gone leave and spiderman gone let him and then batman gone go buy all spiderman comics and watch all his films and then he gone get a big can of Raid bug spray and create a machine to block his spidey sense and take venom and the venom symbiote and learn to control it then come back and make 500 traps and catch spiderman while he naked in the shower and then he gone win" bullshyt need to stop.