Day 1:
hours 00-16 (fasting, fat burning phase)
hours 16-24 (pre-wo meal breaks the fast. A heavy workout sends a growth stimulus. Overfeeding occurs. If macros are controlled, short term fat gain is avoided while providing adequate nutrition for growth to occur post-workout and during sleep).
hours 24-40 (fasting, PW meal still digesting)
hours 40-48 (eating window, high protein intake, deficit during this day sets the stage for lipolysis during hours 48-66, and so it goes on)
Basically, nutrients are provided in adequate amounts during the phase when the body is most likely to use them for selective anabolism of muscle tissue. A controlled refeed, where fat intake is kept low (thus preventing de novo lpiogenesis), prevents de novo lipogenesis and may allow fat burning to resume shortly.