That’s a nice fantasy you live in there, but in real life it looks like this
I don’t how having missile bass parked right outside your country counts as trepidation? Does China have missile bases in Mexico and Cuba? Please explain?
The Chinese are beholden to the same guns vs butter model of every country in history. Guns versus butter model - Wikipedia
They have to weigh the costs of building its military or building the lives of its citizens. If they go too far in the military direction their citizenry will depose them. If the Chinese government wasn’t afraid of its citizenry it would go to such massive lengths to surprise dissent
Also, there is nothing Communist about China lol
The US has never had a problem since the 50’s of getting military spending bills passes through congress and Chinas military spending is nothing compared to what the US spends
Remember when Pelosi visited Taiwan and China did nothing? That’s the reality of the US/Chinese relationship
Top U.S. general confirms 'very concerning' Chinese hypersonic weapons test
The top U.S. military officer, General Mark Milley, has provided the first official U.S. confirmation of a Chinese hypersonic weapons test that military experts say appears to show Beijing's pursuit of an Earth-orbiting system designed to evade American missile defenses.
U need to calm your ass down. and find a quiet moment to understand what you’re trying to say.
If the USA attacks China today, China has the capability to bring the war right to your doorstep. This ain’t gone be no war being fought in some nebulous backward ass country where it’s normal to fucck a goat.