Answer these 3 questions you or @patscorpio
Is Manny Mexican, and do poor Philippians buy PPV's?
How many PPV's is Manny selling these days since he been hiding his numbers for years?
And how much has his stock fallen after losing what should be 3 straight fights?
Canelo was young undefeated and had the masses behind him his fans and Floyd haters alike, aside from @Black_Jesus and a couple of other idiots nobody even care about Manny anymore. You truly believe a fighter coming off 3 losses would garner that much hype and buzz. Not to mention people dont even want to buy Floyd vs WW they want to see Floyd actually take a L, Floyd would have a field day fighting a small fighter
Manny needs to avenge his losses badly, at least one of them if he want a Mayweather match
Answer this why would i, as a fan, care how many PPV's a fighter's selling?...its the fights on them I care about..i have no financial stake in them..and why should you care? you stay bytching on here about buying ppvs (not me though..i make money

2) its all subjective...a fighter's stock going up or down depends on various factors....pacquiao being jobbed in one fight and then in the other getting Ko'ed in an exciting back and forth classic fight in which he was leading on the cards and on the verge of ending it himself is not necessarily a big hit to the stock like lets say Roy losing convincingly and badly 3 times in a row in which 2 of them were brutal knockouts...ppl like to see how ppl rebound esp against a live opponent.
3)correction canelo had the hispanic market and golden boy behind him....the rest who dont follow the sport like that just knew canelo as the mexican with the red hair that floyd's fighting lol....and correction a smaller fighter who happens to be an extremely powerful p4p puncher who doesn't have a history of bad hands..this is not a scrub we are talking about breh...believe it or not there are ppl who do look forward to manny fights too..and if im not mistaken most of the casual fans, who you do have to sell the fights too more, would be attracted to a manny fight rather than a floyd fight because manny is more "action oriented" you think the fact manny needs to avenge a loss in a widely panned robbery in recent boxing history and a loss to a guy who he already officially defeated twice in order to get a floyd fight