I do
I just don't pander to their whims
A lot of dudes on here definitely have a lot of dislike for women, but I'd have to say (from the postings I've seen) a good 95% are just more afraid of what a woman will do them and scared that they'll be stupid enough to let it happen.
I like and appreciate candy, but if I eat too much of it my teeth will rot.
I like and appreciate sleep, but if I rest too often I'd get nothing done
I like and appreciate money, but if I were willing to do ANY AND EVERYTHING to acquire it I'd be compromising my morals
I like, love, and appreciate women, but if I allow them to walk all over me and disrespect me my self esteem and self worth would rot. If I chased after them blindly and devoted all my attention to them I'd get nothing done, and if I were willing to do ANY AND EVERYTHING to keep them I'd be compromising my morals....
the thing is, you don't have to say you hate women to show everyone you hate them. nor do you have to assault any women. you're beliefs and system of thought when it comes to women demonstrate you have a problem with them...
it's like, why would anyone believe someone likes something if they're always focusing on negative aspects of something and they're always speaking out against it?
A statement like this, is actually misogynistic at it's core. So actually, you do hate women. You just like sex.If I wasn't attracted, sexually, to women would I even bother with them? fukk no...
If I wasn't attracted, sexually, to women would I even bother with them? fukk no...
When men talk about women and their interactions with them it's a big change in perspective from dudes that have a lot success with women and dudes that don't.
liking and appreciating women does not mean you are up women's ass. you don't have to let anyone walk all over you, but why be so disrespectful
i see lots of b*tch this and ho that all over the comments to the point i would be wiling to bet some coli cash b*tch/h0 is used more than she/her
same guys who'd be up in arms if they went to a site and every black guy was referred to as n*gger, not by his name, not by "him" or "he" but n*gger. if that happened to you and those posters referring to blacks as that word said "i appreciate and like black people, but i'm not going to let them walk all over me" you'd be making theface
A statement like this, is actually misogynistic at it's core. So actually, you do hate women. You just like sex.
Can't speak for all female new posters, but I know I lurked this site and refused to sign up for almost a week and a half now because of how badly y'all seem to hate women on here. Didn't seem worth the trouble.
But I finally had to do it tonight because I'm tired of not being able to see these links![]()
I feel as black men we have to defend our Black women. We need to stick together like Marcus Garvey talked about.I do. I always feel obligated to defend black women on here. I have no preference and have dating other races always, but I'm be damned with the level of disrespect that goes on here coming from whiteboys and c00ns.