Then D-Rob's not in tomorrow and you still have to use Phelps anyway.
As for Chavez, it's amazing what being A-Rod's backup can bring you. Everyone can be on your dikk for doing nothing.
Yeah I would have rather seen Joba pitch that inning. You can't worry about tomorrow while this game is still going on. Phelps did get laced by Young. And his control was off causing him to fall behind and therefore have to throw a pitch hitters can manage. And he gave up a lead off walk which is a no no. Bottom line I don't trust him like that, especially against the meat of Detroit's order.
But you trusted Joba?
Funny what 1 games does to people. Phelps goes from the guy that earned his way in over Nova to a guy nobody trusts.
But you trusted Joba?
Funny what 1 games does to people. Phelps goes from the guy that earned his way in over Nova to a guy nobody trusts.