motherfukers believe moses,pharaoh can turn a stick into a snake yet wont believe ufos exist .aliens are real and theyd most likely be bipedal like us..remember we are aliens to them..i beleive theres a universal design for advanced life . and if they can come this far it means thye like thousands of years is to vast to travel it means they can travel faster than light speed.sciences say otherwise but maybe theres higher modes of science we dont grasp yet our primitive mind take it as supernatural.
If you want to walk down that road then Jesus himself may very well been an alien being. Walking on water? Anti gravity device. Feeding thousands of people with just two fish and a few loafs of bread? Self replication technology. Healing the blind, making the paralyzed walk and resurrecting the dead? Hyper-advanced medical/genetic technology.
religious people will struggle with this
but it's really no reason to.
angels/demons = aliens.
I have very religious family members that
I have heated debates with.
my aunt: you want mac and cheese with this chicken
me: hell yeah!
my aunt: jesus makes all possible!
me: jesus was an alien
my aunt: thats damn blasphemous!
me: jesus was not of this world right?
my aunt: yes but
me: and things that are not of this world are what?
my aunt:
my aunt: fix yo own damn plate
They are here.....they have been here
and we are at their mercy.
i'm really interested and excited to see where this goes.
i've seen UFO's on two occasions but even before that i was fascinated by the subject.
if we make open contact with an intelligent alien species in my lifetime i would be a happy man.
hopefully they are cool.
Peep your underlined...
You answered yourself. An alien species could have created us and the biblical narrative. That is why bible thumpers are scrambling to splain this stuff away.
Except there are things that move faster than light.Playing dumb? Do you know anything about laser physics? Lasers are streams of electrons fired at the speed of light. There is nothing faster than the speed of light. Nothing.
Laser weapons are undetectable. They produce no sound, or even heat signature until it activates. By then it’s too late.
Bt the time they detect it they’ve already been hit
Nah it disproves religion as god created man in his image but if the aliens look nothing like us then........Plus if the aliens said they created us they wouldn’t be our gods just our parents.
I don't see the problem if they did. That would just make them god/angels. Or perhaps they have the answer to who created them and why since they predate us and can fill in the blanks. This is why i say I could easily say aliens validate the bible. If aliens exist and have existed forever suddenly those "fair tales" don't seem so fantastical and unbelievable do they? Suddenly those who claim they have answers on earth literally can't claim to know anything,because they can no longer even say life started on earth and that we weren't placed here by aliens
These nikkas have not been seen for the whole of humanity and now they are here
Lmao fukk outta here
But that is impossible. It's impossible by the fundamental laws of physics, not just because humans lack imagination.
Once again, NONE of those things were considered physically impossible. You're not even making a relevant point. Saying, "Regular people are surprised by cell phone technology therefore the laws of physics can be ignored" doesn't even make sense.