- Incredible MITB 2011 match right afterwards
- Longest reign of the modern era with tons of great matches with Daniel Bryan, Jericho, Cena, etc
- 2 matches against The Rock
- Got over as a Face and Heel during the same run
- Had the match of the night vs The Undertaker at last week's mania
- Has been one of the best in the ring and the best on the mic since
- Fans absolutely love him whether they're supposed to or not
- Sells plenty of merchandise
And he didn't do great things? So because he's not as big as hogan, rock, or austin - something that is practically impossible in this day and age - that legendary promo meant nothing?
Yeah. Basically. He's a talented upper midcard guy, but he ain't Austin/Rock/Hogan, which is exactly what I said.
And don't give me that apologist bullshyt about it being impossible to get that over nowadays. Why, because of their global reach and huge push towards social media, the WWE somehow has *less* exposure?
I'm sure no one saw the possibility of another megastar in the dark ol days of the 95/96 era either but low and behold, we got two.
The right guy can and will blow up. It just ain't Punk. He's a really, really good wrestler who happens to think he's in an elite class. He isn't.