hopkins been wanting to fight roy again since he unified the middleweight title in 2001 breh..hopkins was going to go up to 175 to face him...it was roy that was bullshytting demanding a 60-40 split like he didnt just beat the brakes off tito who was one of the top p4p fighters back then
They were fighting for RJJ 175 Titles he had all of them except the WBO belt and Jones already beat the man. Roy was the number #1 PFP fighter and fighter of the decade. So I think 60/40 offer was more then fair at the time. You see who Tito's ultimate goal was to fight RJJ after the MW tournament.
[ame=http://youtu.be/UJbOw_5DPiE]roy jones and hopkins.3gp - YouTube[/ame]