So, they got Jesus out here giving fades in fighting games now

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
I agree with what you're saying here, but at the same time, I've learned to accept that the same rights that allow me to believe what I believe without fear of direct persecution, and speak about my beliefs openly, are the same rights that allow people to be disrespectful.
Does something being legal make it right? No.
But I've learned to take the good and reject the bad when it comes to these topics such as religion.
I wish people respected other people's beliefs more, but if they don't, they have that right as well.

Out of curiosity? What do you believe in as it pertains to God?
I don't believe, I know :manny: And what I've been privy to is that it doesn't matter at the end of the day. What matters is what you do for the planet while you're here. Because you think you'll be here for a long time. 100yrs? 75? At least 62? :lupe:
Make an impact while you still can, you won't be alive long enough to know how the impact is truly felt. There is a God, and the various religions around the world serve a purpose for each part of the planet. Christianity for instance would not work in Muslim cultures. The world isn't setup equally, it's really a subject that isn't any of our business tho. We don't have enough time to debate on the universe's infrastructure, we'll be dead before we could physically prove it. And once again, isn't why we are here. I grew up as a Roman...
I respect this. My point though

“You shall have no other gods before me. “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments."

If the Churches themselves do it, then they are the ones who opened the floodgates. Its why if you look at Islam, you cant even parody Mohammed cause aint nobody have any clue what his image is. I of course understand not accepting this, cause it is blasphemy, but I think the people who run the show made the original error by not following their own books.
The error is not within the church, but within oneself :ufdup: See, none of that goes with you. An ornament, even the raping of a little boy. What would any of that have to do with your relationship with the creator. The book will teach you that you don't look to man when searching for God. Yes, God can work in mysterious ways and use vessels to showcase his glory..but if you look at man like if he is God. Then when that man fails you, you will lose faith in God as well. In this case, you have chosen something as simple as an ornament to help push you away from the light :francis:

My mom being a Roman.she prays to the entire chessboard of characters. I don't c/s all that. And in seeking truth I've come across the white washing of religion. Hidden Colors 1 goes into how of Jesus was black, black people wouldn't go. I thought to myself :jbhmm:and on my mother's iPad I changed the Jesus picture she had with a black Jesus picture.

She was PISSED :snoop:
People will always interpret the bible differently, there will always be people sinning because we are sinners. At the end of time most people will be worshiping a false prophet. That means they will infiltrate the religion, discredit it, edit it, and all types of expletives :yeshrug:


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
I don't believe, I know :manny: And what I've been privy to is that it doesn't matter at the end of the day. What matters is what you do for the planet while you're here. Because you think you'll be here for a long time. 100yrs? 75? At least 62? :lupe:
Make an impact while you still can, you won't be alive long enough to know how the impact is truly felt. There is a God, and the various religions around the world serve a purpose for each part of the planet. Christianity for instance would not work in Muslim cultures. The world isn't setup equally, it's really a subject that isn't any of our business tho. We don't have enough time to debate on the universe's infrastructure, we'll be dead before we could physically prove it. And once again, isn't why we are here. I grew up as a Roman...

The error is not within the church, but within oneself :ufdup: See, none of that goes with you. An ornament, even the raping of a little boy. What would any of that have to do with your relationship with the creator. The book will teach you that you don't look to man when searching for God. Yes, God can work in mysterious ways and use vessels to showcase his glory..but if you look at man like if he is God. Then when that man fails you, you will lose faith in God as well. In this case, you have chosen something as simple as an ornament to help push you away from the light :francis:

My mom being a Roman.she prays to the entire chessboard of characters. I don't c/s all that. And in seeking truth I've come across the white washing of religion. Hidden Colors 1 goes into how of Jesus was black, black people wouldn't go. I thought to myself :jbhmm:and on my mother's iPad I changed the Jesus picture she had with a black Jesus picture.

She was PISSED :snoop:
People will always interpret the bible differently, there will always be people sinning because we are sinners. At the end of time most people will be worshiping a false prophet. That means they will infiltrate the religion, discredit it, edit it, and all types of expletives :yeshrug:

Man is inherently evil :wow:

So can I play this dumb ass game without remorse :manny:

Jimmy Two-Times™

Coli Mods Catch Me If U Can Forgive Me Imma Ridah™
Jan 17, 2013
Peckham™ Come Get Me!
They had Jesus fighting in the South Park Stick of Truth RPG game.

The God of war is just a re-imagining of the story of Hercules which in turn is derived from Horus in the Egyptian Book of the Dead from which the story of Jesus is taken from and translated into ancient Hebrew.

It's in more video games than you could think of actually


Jan 10, 2017
I'm boycotting the NFL right. Some ignorant ass people say "why you not watching for Kappernick, you care about him that much" but the reason I'm not watching is because the NFL has a problem with the REASON Kappernick took the knee. If they had a problem with taking a knee they'd stop him, they'd stop everyone else. So it's bigger than Kappernick.

Now let's change the topic from Kappernick and the NFL and substitute Jesus and fighting games. You don't take people's faith and turn that into a fighting game. Remember that cartoonist who got murdered for disrespecting Muhammad in that newspaper? Basically the same shyt, same level of disrespect. If you're atheist that's cool. You think that then gives you a pass? Most people who hate region do so because of their stance on homosexuality :francis: That's just an observation...

My beef with fighting game fans? Other than you? I hate how alot of them don't want no drama. SF2 or 4, Tekken tag 2, holla at me..

I don't recall ever doing anything to you, so your "beef" with me is one sided. Revvy pretty much summed up what I wanted to say anyway.