It's in the makings but no info or teasers shown yet.
So far nothing on the Wii U has hyped me to get it thus far.
Everything just feels too late. The Nintendo Tvii thing looks cool but quite frankly people are already comfortable with their Xbox's/PS3's/Phones right now for those features.
The games themselves looked mixed up. Some of those Activision games look like straight up Gamecube games while for example BLOPS 2 looks like BLOPS 2 on PS3/360. No need to go out and buy a WiiU for that.
I'm disappointed and will not be buying a WiiU at launch.
Plus Halo 4 will be out and PASBR comes out two days later. They really think I'm gonna spend $400 to play New Old New Super Mario World/Bros in HD??
shyt im trying to flip this shyt