So Superdae confirmed that the xbox 720 is MORE powerful than ps4


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Yes, very recently M$ sent some goons to shut SuperDae up (actually sent feds to his house)
Now after the story gets out there, its clear that xbox has something secret going on and they didn't want the competition to know about it apparently :blessed:
So what was said exactly? Well, its all via tweets.
Then after the raid, they said he hasn't tweeted since. But here they are...

(Make sure you read the top which is what he is replying to!!!)


Then later via Neofag, the locals over there was doing the same bullshyt you see over here, acting like these specs are official for Durango (these specs leaked 2yrs ago, but that doesn't mean they weren't old themselves. So the specs we see today could be as much as 3yrs old :heh:
SuperDae indirectly confirms this by this tweet which was in response to a neofager saying Orbis was better...


Now whats significant about that tweet is on his podcast SuperDae said this...

I favor 720 games right now because developers had Durango dev kits longer

Doesn't mean anything as of this second. Hold on, there's more.
Kotaku then puts out a story which they claim is from an interview they did with SuperDae. In that story, it revealed what is supposedly the final Durango Specs (which are still the same specs from 2yrs ago)
Neofag goes 3cept, and SuperDae puts this tweet out...


After this happens, sony has its reveal and they beef up the RAM to 8gb
SuperDae's house gets raided the very next day :yeshrug:

Now you can take this story in any number of ways. But what can't be denied is this...

Sony added an extra 4gb of GDDR5 RAM to the PS4 seemingly out of the blue
If all rumors are true, they don't need to do that since they have the advanced memory configuration. So why add even more?
And was it LOOSE or MEECH who made that PS4 for dummies thread which speaks on why the addition doesn't make a whole lot of sense :hula:
There's something going on behind the scenes obviously, sony found out something that made them change all of a sudden

Now Sony fanboys, because of this. You got 8gb of RAM (Yaaaaaaay)
But just realize you got that for a reason. A reason that will be revealed in a little over a month :win:

Now are you gonna take SuperDae's word who is the dude leaking all the documents on both systems. Or the fanboys we all know damn well don't know shyt about how these systems work?


Mansur Brown - "Heiwa"
May 1, 2012
Damn courtdog jus styled on us again.....I'm still not buying the 720 tho :ohhh:



Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
:beli: you got 10k posts I'm sure you're on here "staning" something

my post count is irrelevant to this assumption. I had no idea dudes stan video game consoles. I'm just having a hard time figuring out what the point of it is.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
If I posted something that is rooted in bullshyt. If I made a "misleading" thread title :beli:
Am I posting redundant info?
Its well known FUNBOY knowledge that the ps4 was more powerful than the 720
Just like its FUNBOY knowledge that the ps3 is more powerful than the 360
The 360 has a more powerful graphics card than the ps3, but that is unknown info around fanboys :snoop:
So we dive into a new gen, and they doing the same shyt :facepalm:
I even believed it because if you hear something enough.. you start to believe it
Then I found out not only was it fanboy speculation, but that the only person who can really speak on it (The actual guy leaking all the info) has said otherwise

THATS NEWSWORTHY (should be old news, but its unknown info round dis bytch)

Now I used to like this website. But once the mods started limiting what I can put out here because of either fanboy bias, or just envy of myself :manny:
Then its a problem. Look at this thread for instance, look at the replies...
Courtdogs xbox gets more attention than his kids :snoop:

So dudes actually stan video game consoles? :ohhh:

an unfortunate reality

You see how none of these nikkaz said a word about the thread they freely chose to enter? Its like, they seen the info and went :sadbron:
Its odd that I'm sharing relevant info with this fine community and I have to get attacked for it. My kids, My mattress, I'm stanning, I'm trolling/etc.
How about, you nikkaz stop being bitter bytches and say thank you cockmeat for enlightening me on whats really good :blessed: