1-I was talking about the tv show
2-No idea's original
I remember both of those being trades i dont get what you are saying

1-I was talking about the tv show
2-No idea's original
you telling me people dont know who the fukk barry bonds is ?
youre overestimating the 'hatred' level lebron got. barry bonds was booed in all but two stadiums routinely. people outside of cleveland never booed lebron on every possession.
bonds received death threats and shyt all over the places. again, outside ohio, no one ever had a strong opinion about lebron to do the same.
you are making a martyr out of thin air here....for no reason
bonds after the shyt popped off yes, BEFORE that roid/cheating shyt popped off, he was just a hated player cuz he was rude to the press (his right) and never gave interviews, so they shytted on him every chance they could
and yes id say if you took a pict of barry and a pict of LBJ and quizzed 100ppl more would know LBJ than Barry, what commercials(nationwide) has barry been in? none that i can recall, Lebron been in top nationwide Nike campaigns
im not trying to make any martyr, just callin a spade a spade, the hate LBJ got after his summer decision where people were burning his jersey, he even had the cavs owner shook to act a fool, is more than bonds ever dealt with, you dont think crazy cav fans were sending death threats to LBJ?
since when on twitter did anyone ever say something with common sense or logic ? :P
that's just a bunch of idiots on twitter being idiots
so now Barry Bonds was more hated than Lebron? wtf is wrong with some of you dudes? either your memory is terrible or the revisionist history is in full effect
I've never even really heard any Barry Bonds slander like that in real life, it was just the CAC's on TV that were roasting him to that extent... you mean to tell me you were in the barber shop and everyone was going in on Barry Bonds? FOH ... now compare that to the Lebron "no rings" and hairline jokes, and shyt ain't even close lol
How's what they're saying any different to THIS message-board and all the other social-networking sites/boards?
well im more so referring to how celebs, athletes, hip hop stars, constantly make a fool out of themselves on twitter, thats where my dislike for twitter comes from, people should think before they type that message, but same goes for "fans/normal people"
since when on twitter did anyone ever say something with common sense or logic ? :P
that being said though, bonds cheated, lebron is/was/acts like a douche/immature/has bad advisors
"If Ray Allen goes to the heat... This happens"
nikkas going crazy on twitter