Exiled Martian
Was young I couldn't do good, now I can't do Bad
While most theories are a ton of BS, I almost feel just as sad for the people that dismiss everything right off the bat....on the subject of ludicrous CT.....my two favourites are;
True Dat...I like it when reptile women start having sexxx with each other. Lizbians are
- Mad cow disease is a hoax perpetuated by the liberal media, PETA, Oprah Winfrey and Hindus, which is also known as the Quadrilateral Cowmission. Is it a coincidence that cows have 4 stomachs...
- Church's Fried Chicken Sterilizes Black Men
Sociologists call this decades-old urban legend a cultural echo of the very real syphilis study carried out on blacks in Tuskegee, Alabama. In another version, KFC is the culprit ? and secretly run by the KKK. There's less controversy over whether the biscuits clog your arteries.
Lizard people>>>>>>>>>
True Dat...I like it when reptile women start having sexxx with each other. Lizbians are