The cars are too expensive, no one wants them
Elon musk gets as much government $$ as any business man... He really knows how to pimp the system
have you ever wonder why are the cars STILL in 2012 too expensive? its the battery.
why is the battery still so expensive in 2012?
these batteries have been around since the 70's people.
the oil companies will actually buy out companies, corps, as well as create their own, get on commities for other energies. to make sure that these energy efficient cars(batteries), etc Wind/Solar power are always too expensive for the regular man. WHY? should be our question in 2012.
one simple answer is, why would you want to change how you make billions if you are already making hand over fist money right now doing it the old way? why would you want to invest serious money in R&D, new infrastructure, new plants, etc. new marketing, etc. when you can just pump out oil the old fashion way.
if the oil companies would stop trying to STOP the other energies for coming out or if they would assist in making these types of alternative energies a priority, by now 1970-2012 i think ine 42 years, we could've figured out how to make a long lasting car battery on the cheap. i mean people we're talking about 42 years. are we really that dumb where we cant figure it out in that amt of time? or is something else(oil companies, the old guard) holding up progress on PURPOSE?
yall want new jobs, yall want a new boom,similar to bill clintons .com boom. let the old guard get out of the way of progress and actually get into the thick of it and try to assist us in using other energies. it would create so many jobs it aint even funny. in addition it would prepare our old manufacturing base for a new brand of manufacturing. that we the US would lead the world in. and be the ones shipping all of our products overseas for their consumption instead the other way around. but why do that if you're the big boys up top and already have a tried and true setup for making billions. why stop what you're doing? financially speaking you shouldnt. morally speaking you should.
lets look at it like this
wind energy, solar, car batteries, etc. would be a lot less emissions. even if you dont believe in that stuff effecting global warming. we all agree it effects our health(breathing, allergies, etc). so if you could have better health based on the air quality becoming better. thats a win in medical costs. money saved.
we would spend a lot less at the gas pump. which would also save us money(us being every day citizens). but it would save shipping companies money if they come up with batteries for big trucks as well. imagine the amt of money saved there. thats money right back into the hands of business owners. this would bring the cost of shipping down as well. making it more profitable to ship items to your customers.
another win for the customer now pays less for the product since shipping is a lot less.
but notice a theme here. everyone is winning not just the boys at the top. but for everyone to win the boys at the top has to work with us. they dont want to do that. because they already have a tried and true method that makes billions them, "if it aint broke..."
to us "its broke, fix it"
they think "says who?"