I work for a cell phone company and a large % of the accounts I look at have past due balances or are in bad shape money wise. A lot of people can't afford the shyt but buy it anyway. I deal with people everyday that have multiple iphones on their bill asking for an extension or trying to argue their way out of charges...when it'd probably make more sense financially for them to have flip phones. A lot of the time they don't even have a good reason for wanting the phone. They just want it to have the "cool" phone or cause their kids badgered them for it (and yes kids are especially stupid when it comes to buying stuff as a status symbol).
The worst is when they damage or lose the phone and you hear their soul die after you explain how much it costs to replace.
And dude was on the mark before about people viewing the iphone as a status symbol. Watch what happens when the 5 drops people gonna be acting stupid as shyt.
The worst is when they damage or lose the phone and you hear their soul die after you explain how much it costs to replace.
And dude was on the mark before about people viewing the iphone as a status symbol. Watch what happens when the 5 drops people gonna be acting stupid as shyt.