Thanks dude!
Thanks dude!
If you ever cross the bridge to Wales let me know......Throw some weight around.
Definitely mate - I'm hoping to go see Neil down in Tenby at somepoint!
I'm about to start week 3 - what % of my max should I be using for these 30-40 rep sets? And how many of these sets should I be doing? 4?
Somewhere between 40%-60%. Just make sure it's not too light and utilise 'rest pause' (dropping weight stack in between reps for 5-10 seconds) during sets - I rarely complete a set of 40 reps clean so as soon as form gets sloppy I drop weight stack and pause. I sometimes throw in heavy partial reps (about 20) aswell at the end just to take me right to failure and cause even further damage to the muscle tissue.