Some people need to be executed like roaches.
There are people who hate others for what they believe. Those are people that can be convinced to change their views.
There are people who hate others for what they are. They hate their skin, they hate their bodies, they hate everything about them that they have not chosen.
There is no peaceful existence with the latter kind. When they see your existence itself as an insult and something that debases them so much that they can't stand you living in proximity to them and don't care what happens so long as you disappear? Yeah they need to be imprisoned or killed. There's no redeeming them. Evil is the choice to be kind or at least respectful, but then choosing cruelty. You have to eliminate evil. I hate that this is the kind of world we live in, but history is history and facts are facts.
The lie you're told over and over again is that there were no people who said "this is wrong" this lie can thrive in a centralized media ecosystem where people don't have choices in where they get their information. We no longer live in that ecosystem. We know that America's founding fathers were not humble farmers seeking to be free of tyrany. They were absurdly privileged and wealthy aristocrats who did not want to pay more taxes, and knew the nation they were a part of was moving towards outlawing the slaves they owned or aspired to own. There were people saying that slavery was wrong and should be a crime. It was as wrong to them then as it is to us now.
There were people who did not approve of the nazis and in fact fought back and were willing to kill and die for their beliefs. They knew white supremacy was wrong then just as we know it is wrong now.
The people who accept and in fact RELISH in causing misery and pain to others for no other reason than they feel those people deserve their wrath for who they are...through their beliefs and subsequent actions those people have forfeited their right to be called human. Klan members, nazis, fascists of any kind. They aren't human and should be eliminated by any means necessary.