How can you be pro black yet pro a certain political party? This is my issue with you democrat Americans, you’ve disgustingly b*stardized and have tried to juxtapose pro blackness with being a democrat. Pro blackness has no party affiliation and shouldn’t. It’s incredibly sick of you people constantly doing this. He should speak from a black perspective, not a party affiliated perspective. We as black people are all we got, not some party. It’s insane how c00n black republicans and democrat Americans are two sides of the same c00n.
They're eating the cats and dogs.
Literally has been used in history to justify genocide.
Trump's DOD pick has literal white supremacists tats all over him.
Giving police immunity to kill Black people.
Abolish Affirmative Action and DEI policies.
Are these not issues that a pro Black militant should be up on arms about.
You seem to advocate being silent about the blatant racism the Repubs believe in