Let's start with schools.
Where in Europe do black people have a fair chance in school? HINT: nowhere. so what is patchy for you is largely universal for blacks in Europe.
Where in Europe do black people have a fair chance in professional life? nowhere. In most countries in Europe you would have a hard time getting a job in McDonalds much less as a professional. In London/UK (the UK which is one of the better nations) black youth male unemployment was near 50% not too long ago.
in Half of UK's young black males are unemployed
in 2017 Job success harder for black graduates
Go travel as a single black young female to most European countries and the assumption will be that you are living off your looks in one way or another. In other words you are a prostitute. Why? Because there are few other opportunities. That is how low life chances are for black people there. I know tons of cases where this has happened.
When Black Women in Europe Are Assumed to be Hookers – Mkenya Ujerumani
Do you know what black women are famous for in Barcelona? Nationally famous for?
I could go on but you know nothing. Nothing at all about this so why should I bother? I have things other than impart remedial information on people who cannot be bothered to look it up.
I am not going to explain things to people who 1. think they know it all already and 2. can't be bothered to do their own research.
Not for free anyway. I'll educate you for 50 USD per hour. Cut price rate just for you.
another terrible post. must you embarrass yourself

America has the largest prison population in the world: fact
African americans are disproportionately incarcerated:fact
Police killing and brutality is worse in America than Europe:fact
America has the highest gun violence and mass shootings in the world outside actual war zones:fact
American racists are protected by free speech and are allowed to march,protest and in the case of politicians, run amok on social media:facts
The UN found some livinmg conditions in some parts of the US to be third world standard:fact
I don't argue based on "feelings" rather my arguments are rooted in factsa so either come back with facts next time or don't bother at all and stop wasting my time