Going out with you're wife is simping now?
It is if you don't really want to and are strong-armed into doing so.
xbox one, where your woman giving you the beats in kinect games to IRL daily living is an allegory brehs.
I agree If I was married I would go to make her happy , but Im not soIf I was totally against it I wouldn't go.
But if its something she really wants to do then there is nothing wrong with me making it happen. I expect her to do shyt with/for me that she may not necessarily want to. It's called being married
I agree If I was married I would go to make her happy , but Im not soyeah go with your homegirl lol
Lol My girl stay complaining I dont see what see wants to see lolI tell her to call one of her homegirls
w/ the quad dropping tomorrow??
my wife KNOWs better.....