The key difference difference between her & her father was that Vince regularly got his comeuppance.
Check the PG rating and the p*ssy pass that's in effect today. You won't be seeing any Rock Bottoms or Stunners.
You were lucky to witness Vickie toss her in a pool of pudding. Rousey may get the last laugh next year if she does Mania. Maybe.
Her character is terrible and focuses on putting herself & her daddy over. Her outburst on Seth was downright awkward.
She's getting Kane like groans from crowds now when her music hits, and it's not because she's such a tremendous heel.
This is ignoring her dumb "Philanthropy is the new marketing tool." slip up on Twitter.
This company won't last two decades under Stephanie when Vince kicks it.
Y'all shyt on him now but you're going to beg for him after he's gone and you're left with his daughter.