So How Do Grown Men Still Enjoy Wrestling?


I Am A God
May 1, 2012
Around the time I became a teen the Attitude era was coming to an end and I just naturally grew out of it......

You're into whatever you're into, but it's not for me.......I do think the Attitude era & the NWO/WCW era was the pinnacle of professional wrestling. Couldn't see myself really being into it these days as an adult now tho.

I'm from Philly and I'll say this.....ECW was that work. Man.....nothing will ever match that. That's some shyt, I'd pay to see today on some random I'm bored with nothing to do shyt....nikkas were on some other shyt

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Mess World

Oct 27, 2015
How do grown men play video games

shyts weird instead of conversing with a woman if they have one they'd rather sit down all day playing stupid video games

Based Lord Zedd

Colts or Die
Apr 30, 2012
Houston TX
I stopped watching wrestling years ago when I was a kid and wrestling is trash. However almost all TV is trash.
I looked at a listed of highly rated shows, and highlighted all the bs.
Paying for TV in 2016 :camby::trash:



Dec 11, 2015
They watch it because its like any other TV series that you might watch. The show has a plot, character development, and surprises that other shows cannot match. It's honestly modern performance art and also one of the few shows where the crowd/fans significantly impact it.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I haven't watched WWE religiously since I was like 11 and even like a year before that it was kind of losing it's appeal to me , Chris Beniot dying and WWE turning PG was the final strike for me .

If not for roh tv on directv coming on the air, like what was that six years ago or so.
I would have never watched wrasslin again after Chris Benoit died.
The Indy heroes who saved wrasslin and my familiarity with them is how I started to watch again.
If not for rohtv on directv....i would have never watched again and would have been fine with that.
As, real talk after the Indy heroes who save wrasslin are outta there.
It really is no reason to watch the shyt after that.
As the rubrick to great domestic matches is lost for me and there has to be a domestic gateway for me to watch wrasslin.
As I already seen all the hof great puro matches, and I know all the match templates.
Plus, i feel the language barrier and production of puro creates a disconnect.
If I don't have a favorite domestic grappler or gateway to drive my interest to ignore said disconnect.

Case in point,...the roppongi vice theme song is probably my favorite guilty pleasure about theme music in wrasslin.
Especially, on just a catchy mindlessly fun cerebral level.
Yet, when they had the njpw title change against the young bucks.
The lack of their theme music being made prevalent took away from the win for a casual fan, imo on the production of the show.
I can just hear the snare and a cymbal to the beat and have fun singing a long.
Yet for a domestic gateway fan, that small production value mishap causes a disconnect.
That I notice is there,....
So, imo....after Benoit died.
I feel it has to be a number of factors in the timeline that made me watch again.
All I know is, if wwe botches Bryan, Aries, styles.
I am probably done after their runs are over as professionals.
After their runs are over in the WWE.
I am done watching WWE forever after that.
As, real talk,....
Those three are the last to possibly get a rant out of me on a WWE telecast.
Yet, the WWE as a product is so low quality extensive.
Coupled with workrate, moveset and inring speed are to dialed back
To create the matches. that approach the past goat level matches I seen these guys have already.
The moments that could possibly be used to create the energy to write a rant are so far inbetween.
That, there is no upside to me as a smart.
to continue watching their material.
As I have already seen whomever they want to try to ruin from a quality level be their absolute best.
Plus, if they fukk up Aries, styles, Bryan.
I know they don't really care about actual quality for real to appease me.
So, might as well tap out like I did as a kid, saying fukk the ripoff off that was hogan/rocknroll era wrasslin.
when they insulted my intelligence with low quality past the point of no return.
That even then I stopped watching WWF for at least a decade from 87-97, possibly.
So, for me.
The ability and prospect to boycott wrasslin can happen again.
If the gateways to domestic wrasslin are not there and it becomes a real cemented variable.
That WWE is really trying to purposefully carni their fan base into parting away with their money.
While purposefully never attempting in good faith to actually book a real focused high quality show or product.

Art Barr


Sep 25, 2012
Truth be told threads like this wouldn't be as frequent if wrestling didn't get wack and progressively wack ever since they changed from WWF. Plenty of grown men watched it back in the day with no judgment, but since the product is trash now :yeshrug:

They never recovered from this imo WWE just never rang like WWF.
Threw alotta brehs that grew up with it in the 90's off
I was out when they started making wack nikkas like Edge main event back in the early 2000's
Today its completely :mjlol: Roman Reigns :mjlol:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
This thread gets made like once a month.

It's fun. Who wouldn't want to see incredible athleticism intertwined with some dramatic storyline.

It's like watching a live studio audience soap opera mixed with flippy shyt. Like anything else on TV, it's entertainment.

Plus the backstage fukkery is fun to discuss and dissect.

It always surprises me when people still ask this because whenever wrestling is on TV, it takes over the Twitter trending topics and you end up seeing the most random celebs tweeting about it.

A lot of grown men and women watch wrestling. They're just not discussing it all the time.

To be honest,....
Cripple ache ruined the boom draw of wrasslin with the outcome to change the end year face wins dynamic at mania.
When he went over the rock and mankind in a four way.
That I feel the black demographic to the general fan base were turned off from just apparent racism to not have the rock go over.
Deflected onto driving numbers by the WWE to get a second high by rate for backlash. Coupled with the horrible actual outcome of the booking for backlash.
Where hhh never actually took the loss he should have in the quality of the storyline.
That it turned the viewership off to the point I feel the casual mainstream crowd will never give wrasslin a large mainstream booming draw ever again.
Despite, what the spreadsheet numbers say on twitter.
That the WWE will try to use to authenticate to marketing wings of any corporation to get a check.
Yet, the damage was done in that decision and unless the McMahon regime never addresses that.
Or books a decision based on quality to rectify it.
WWE will never create another mainstream drawing boom era again.
As, they turned off the actual fan base that would create a boom from ever trusting the company to blow up in mainstream permation and media again.

If WWE was smart they have the opportunity to rectify the racist decision.
they made to never give rock a mania title win over cripple ache.
Yet, this company is inept and knows they don't want to admit.
they were wrong at that level of corporate execution.
That they will never do the right thing and they will never redraw.
or create a mainstream boom because of it ever again.

Art Barr

Yeah, rock is appearing at mania.
Yet, if he never beats hhh at mania for the title.
WWE can forget about being a mainstream cosigned draw ever again and the window is closing in the next four years to do it where it would count.
Imo, the window is closing this year for it to matter.
So, after mania this year, imo....
If the rock is never booked to beat hhh for the title at mania.
WWE will have lost its opportunity to ever be a real mainstream draw ever again.

Especially with the whole Hogan racist elephant thing in the room.
Plus, their will never be another black mainstream ringsport based personality.
to create the boom that Mr t and Tyson did to ignite or reignite the WWE as a drawing powerhouse.

Art Barr

Made Myself A Boss

Sep 8, 2014
dMv/ JA
Seriously? I never understood this shyt.
As a child, wrestling was my shyt.
Would literally have me like :ohhh::mjlol::wow::mjcry::sadcam::jbhmm::damn:

I decided to watch some recently and I don't understand how anyone over the age 13 can enjoy this shyt.

No hate, because I know y'all got a whole forum decicated to this, but how do y'all do it?
As a grown man, what's supposed to be entertaining about this?

I wonder the same thing....

I also wish they would stop featuring wrestling threads on here...

Idk how many times i read a thread title on the front page

And think..."who did what" :what: only to click on it.. and see its a thread about a wrestling story line :martin:
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