You may not but M$ does. What you want is not part of the equation.
Its been no secret they been trying to force that shyt down gamers throats for 3 years now. Whether you want it or not you're gonna use it and love it
There's truth in this exaggeration. They didn't force anything, you mad it was the fastest selling tech device EVER
As a person who uses Kinect daily still I understand that you wouldn't understand how/why what was said at the reveal is a huge deal. Basically they fixed all the hiccups in the old tech. The hiccups would ruin the experience for those impatient types. I put my word/reputation on the line when I say that Kinect ONE will be the difference maker this Gen. Sony's me too camera will function like the old Kinect. Why you think they upgrading the RAM in the ps4
Then the bottlenecks come i to play. Im not making anything up here. two weeks til E3!!!
Kinect talkin about *Hard Hitta, where are you* every 5 minutes.
Most kinect family games have a feature that it ask you if you want it on or not (its not hidden in the settings) to take pictures. Then you have a different prompt ask if you want to upload the pictures to whatever website that game has setup or then you can share photos on facebook/etc. same social like features the ps4 conference was about
nothing is automatic fir either console. well, not on microsofts side. They dont with xbox, they dont with bing. sony is the scroogle type but come to your own conclusions on that.
Now that you mention it.. MS gonna be spying on people kids too if they have it their room. The pedophiles at MS gonna have a field day.
Yeah that's what is gonna happen
If it did you'd never know or you getting paid in the millions from the lawsuit. If you ducking the feds then don't have your real name associated with your gamertag. Any real thug is already knows that. Nothing would be registered. Pphone, car, house. Fake thug's exposed, real recognizes real