so halo 4 on the skreetz


I Love Hip-Hop
Apr 30, 2012

No halo game is better than CE. Period. You either never played it or only did campaign or some bullshyt, how old are you? Go ask the goat ogre 2 and he'll tell u the same. Go ask any OG pro, they will tell u the same. CE had the best gun in the series, the 3sk pistol and the best maps and some of the best glitches. Lol at Halo 2 ever fukking with CE, not in this lifetime. H2 is the second best game in the series, thats it. Its the best online halo game, but the best game in the series is CE.

And yes, reach is better than H3. The zero bloom dmr is better than the shytty BR with its bullet spread. The dmr is 100% accurate at all ranges. The sniper doesnt bloodshot nikkas on lan. The rockets actually kill ppl. The fukk are u talking bout fam? Don't let nostalgia cloud ya judgement. Default/pre-patch reach is terrible, but zbns is nice. Give Reach a ranking system and H3 would be irrelevant. I did enjoy the fukk out if it, i played it for 4 years straight, but playing it now you can see the terrible mechanics and horrible netcode. The few maps that were good cant save weapons that don't work right and a horrible online network.

Lemme guess, u gon use the BR in H4 because its what u had in H2/H3...right? Lol. Do some homework nikka, nostalgia gon get nikkas like u fukked up.
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Jun 7, 2012
in the murder capital where we murda for capital
:whoo: the campaign so far is pure heat brehs. I signed out of my xbox live profile just to be safe and I suggest the same for all of yall playing it before the release date.

im not sure if your xbox is modded or not but for those with modded/unmodded xbox's let me explain this....

the xbox 360 has a nand chip that registers information about your console usage, so it does not matter if you take your hard drive out, unplug your ethernet, change profiles or anything else, once you log back in on nov 6th or whenever microsoft knows you were playing that game from the moment you put it into your console, the only way to get around this is if you have a modded console with a dual nand, 1 nand for offline play that microsoft has no clue what is going on on that nand and a 2nd nand for online play, some of this may go over some peoples heads but im just trying to let those who think playing on a different profile is gonna fool microsoft that its not, anyway i have the game but i enjoy my online play so i will not risk it.



Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
I cant wait till this PIFF drops in STORES! Hopefully M$ will clear the live landscape of all the scoundrels who decided to bootleg this masterpiece. It should be a great time once this game is released.


Bang Bang Packers gang!
May 2, 2012
So. Cal
im not sure if your xbox is modded or not but for those with modded/unmodded xbox's let me explain this....

the xbox 360 has a nand chip that registers information about your console usage, so it does not matter if you take your hard drive out, unplug your ethernet, change profiles or anything else, once you log back in on nov 6th or whenever microsoft knows you were playing that game from the moment you put it into your console, the only way to get around this is if you have a modded console with a dual nand, 1 nand for offline play that microsoft has no clue what is going on on that nand and a 2nd nand for online play, some of this may go over some peoples heads but im just trying to let those who think playing on a different profile is gonna fool microsoft that its not, anyway i have the game but i enjoy my online play so i will not risk it.


SO many people believe that NAND shyt yet alot of people call it BS. Many modders have played tons of pre-released games and never got banned. I for one do not believe it either because if NAND works like a NAND in a computer then all info would be lost when u power off the system for more then a few hours....Also as i stated before,i have played offline on a different GT and have connected to live with my original GT and still no ban


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
I for one do not believe it either because if NAND works like a NAND in a computer then all info would be lost when u power off the system for more then a few hours....

isn't NAND chip flash memory by definition?


Jun 7, 2012
in the murder capital where we murda for capital

SO many people believe that NAND shyt yet alot of people call it BS. Many modders have played tons of pre-released games and never got banned. I for one do not believe it either because if NAND works like a NAND in a computer then all info would be lost when u power off the system for more then a few hours....Also as i stated before,i have played offline on a different GT and have connected to live with my original GT and still no ban

microsoft has been very careful when banning because of the ap 2.5 and dae.bin bans that banned actual people playing retail copies of games, some people are just lucky, but what im saying, whether you believe it or not, whatever you do is logged, if you dont get banned, its just because you got lucky. my og post was just to let people know that playing offline or on a different profile doesnt stop the game from showing up to microsoft, and with a release like this one which is their "baby" best believe the ban hammer will hit, i too have played every version of nhl early with no ban and a few other titles but halo is just asking to be banned if you play early, anyway happy modding and see yall online, lets hope the maps dont suck like in reach


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012

yes sir. I dont see how M$ would try to pull info from everybody's console to see what games they are playing. That'll take alot of time and money

I'm sayin, flash memory doesn't lose info without power. that's what they use for memory cards, flash drives, ssd, etc

and it doesn't take "alot of time and money". they probably check that shyt every time you connect to live. it's all automated. it's not like a person has to check everyone's info. it's easy to program something to just flag people playing a certain game before a certain date


Jun 21, 2012

No halo game is better than CE. Period. You either never played it or only did campaign or some bullshyt, how old are you? Go ask the goat ogre 2 and he'll tell u the same. Go ask any OG pro, they will tell u the same. CE had the best gun in the series, the 3sk pistol and the best maps and some of the best glitches. Lol at Halo 2 ever fukking with CE, not in this lifetime. H2 is the second best game in the series, thats it. Its the best online halo game, but the best game in the series is CE.

And yes, reach is better than H3. The zero bloom dmr is better than the shytty BR with its bullet spread. The dmr is 100% accurate at all ranges. The sniper doesnt bloodshot nikkas on lan. The rockets actually kill ppl. The fukk are u talking bout fam? Don't let nostalgia cloud ya judgement. Default/pre-patch reach is terrible, but zbns is nice. Give Reach a ranking system and H3 would be irrelevant. I did enjoy the fukk out if it, i played it for 4 years straight, but playing it now you can see the terrible mechanics and horrible netcode. The few maps that were good cant save weapons that don't work right and a horrible online network.

Lemme guess, u gon use the BR in H4 because its what u had in H2/H3...right? Lol. Do some homework nikka, nostalgia gon get nikkas like u fukked up.

u must be dumb as shyt cause CE never had an online capability an BR bullet spead is more challenging then if ur one shot hit u no matter how far shyt DMR thats why call of duty kids are good at the game an randies how suck at H3 which would be u think ur god or something when u play matchmaking BTW ill ask OG,OG2,T2,Neighbor wat they think since im close friends wit them an ill record their laugh an ether boom they drop on u put on this page an just expose u for the randy u truly are

BTW i played H4 already an the BR is better then the DMR in that game so good luck using ur DMR plus u have to lead shots in the game regardless of wat gun u use

all i got left to say is good luck big shot lets just hope with all this talk u make it out once doubt it but ill be watching :win:
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Jun 21, 2012
:laff: :laff: :laff:


nikka we were playing halo ce on xbox connect for years

why you think Halo became all about online gaming...they saw how much we gave those servers the business

i thought he was talkin about the remake the CE remake only had the reach multi player plus i only played CE on computer i didnt get an xbox until H2 came out regardless im probly still better then that chump