I can't give 3 the nod over 2 based on a couple things.
1. The horrible quest log in 3. shyt was the worst quest log/system I've ever seen in a game, and I've been playing games for around 30 years.
Walk by an NPC who randomly comments on something,
not even talking to you, BOOM new quest. The fukk?
2. The "suicide mission" in 2 shyts on most of "ME3" by itself. 3 was dope (until the ending) but had nothing like that last mission in 2. shyt was
from the moment you went through the Omega Relay up to the end. Space fight with the Collectors....picking your team on some "Oceans 11" shyt....the speech after Shep saves (?) the ship's crew. The final shot of the coffins/crew dead (or not) and the survivors, then the pull back to reveal Reapers headed to our galaxy.
C'mon son. 2 shyts on 3.