Hate on one of the most accepting diverse countries in the world with a stable everything. The difference between Canada and America is one is a Mosaic, which allows you to keep your culture and doesn't force you to drop your religion and culture to appease the white people. America calls its a melting pot which just means they want you to drop every part of your culture and assimilate to the white peoples rules. This is what I find so funny about Americans. I am fukking American, I've lived in the south, your quality of life is appalling. You're forced this ignorance the tells you your country is the best and they treat you the best...Guess what, they don't. But keep calling it Cacanada even though it has one of the largest immigrant populations, while being encouraging them to keep their culture. While you defend a country that enslaved you and made minimal strides to increase your life quality. I can't even be mad, too many of you have been brainwashed.