Not quite that simple buddy. because they reside at the cradle of civilization, they are considered very mixed now. the closer you get to syria, the more white they get, the more you go east, the more asian, the more south, the more african. they are smack in the middle of everyone and are consider the perfect 'grey'. they are not cacs nor are they negro.
J2 Europeans (many Greeks, Italians, Spanish and Portugese, as well as southern French)
are closer to J1 Arabs than to R1a Europeans, so classifying J2 with R1a as one race, and J1 as a separate race makes no sense at all. It makes even less sense to classify as separate races a J2 Italian and a J2 Lebanese just because they are on different continents.
Whatever differences may exist between J1 and J2, they pale in comparison to real racial differences with Orientals, Amerindians and sub-Saharan Africans. For people to be part of another race,
at the very least they shouldn’t be part of the same haplogroup.
Also, the southern J haplogroup and the northern I haplogroup both descended from IJ and are therefore closely related, closer in fact than either is to haplogroup R.
Arabs, therefore, should not be defined as non-white due to their Y-DNA. Instead, they should be classified as a mixed (
Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid) race of people due to the high influx of African and (east and south) Asian DNA.
About 20% of Arab mtDNA comes from Africa and another 18% from the East, with only 62% being white. With so much outside DNA, I would classify the Arabs as the first “border” population, a mixed race between whites and non-whites.
(The Berbers in
northern Africa are a different issue. They belong mostly (50-80%) to the E haplogroup (different haplogroup = different race), which is indigenous to the region.