dope episode tonight
lol at dude in the elevator
lol at dude in the elevator
looks like next season's plot will borrow from the og Toby Mcguire "Spiderman" plot with the death of Green Goblin. Since Merlin now knows who Arrow is, Merlin will die next week and of course his son will blame Ollie for his death ala Spiderman/Harry Osborne story arc from the og Spiderman movies. This will be the main plot for next season. Ollie steals his girl and kills his father and dude will plot his revenge...
Tommy has to go dark next season,especially after seeing Ollie giving it to Laurel in the windowHe's actually had a pretty good transformation over the course of the season, especially when you look at how he was in the pilot.
They are really amping up the Felicity throwing game at Ollie, the producers know what the people want.
Roy just threw Thea in the bushes on some "better now than later"
Pours out some liquor for Yao Fei, kept Ollie alive on the island and taught him a lot of what he knows. I liked how they showed that black dude again who really was working for Firas, Ollie was right not to trust him. They also flashed to Firas' employer who was female. I wonder who that could be.
I had hopes for this show going in when I wrote about it in July
Fall TV: Three to Watch - Coli News
Really has been the best new show on network TV.
Ollie is an a$$hole. Tells Tommy to get her back, goes and fukks her before he can.![]()
Dude was all ready to step aside but when he learns that his work as The Hood might be over he's all likeand jumps the gun to get Laurel's p*ssy again. Completely throwing what he said to Tommy in the bushes.
@ Merlyn putting the beats on Oli. You just can't help but
when the villain is competent like that.
Once again a fantastic episode. fukkin' love this show.
Merlyn isn't even a villain in my eyes.
Dude is cleaning up the hood.![]()
Creating a man made earthquake for half of Starling City, where mostly poor innocent people resides, isn't evil
I just hope Thea's boyfriend be the one to get thrown in the bushes![]()