1. I was hoping for some sort of mindscrew where Merlyn was actually working for Walter, and the whole kidnapping thing was to get him out from under Moira's nose and above suspicion.
I ain't mad, though.
2. Poor Felicity. The "Having you inside of me" thing was blatant. The "Ollie doesn't even know I'm here" line to Diggle was much more subtle and much more heart breaking.

I wonder why Ollie barks and snaps at her so much? Poor Felicity.
3. I got a confession to make. I think Moira's voice is sexy as fukk. I think Moira is sexy as... hell. Not quite sexy as fukk. Just hell.
4. The hallway scene was crack, the way they had Ollie alternate between beatings and slinging arrows.....
5. Easter Egg: The Markov Device. Markov was the last name of Teen Titan
Terra Markov and her brother Geo-Force (almost he lamest name ever)/
Biron Markov. Both had earth elemental-like powers, meaning the Markov device is prolly an earthquake machine.
6. NO ISLAND! But it was cool that they fleshed out the kind of person Ollie's dad really was.... something alla youze seem to ignored in lieu of the fact there was no Island.
Second best ep of the series, IMHO... only slightly behind the ep where Moira attempted to have Malcolm assassinated.