You just don't understand my incredibly simple posts or why I respond to the posts that I do or what it is that I actually do.bro you're a retard who has self hate issues end of story
Also nothing I've said even remotely resembles self hate even if you think I'm a c00n, oh I forgot not wanting to live in an all black area/go to an all black school is self hate.
I prefer to live in mixed areas, being around all black people has done nothing for me in my life nor has being around all Mexican, all white, or all Asian people and I don't expect it to its been people from all the backgrounds that I listed who've made my life better.
But I've never told people they're wrong for wanting to live in all black areas, or go to all black schools, or start black businesses, or move back to Africa and I never will.
Sorry for not wanting to live in a homogenous society.
Like I've asked you to do before.
Please summarize my beliefs and explain what it is that I do.
And I've had self hate issues before, but it was based around my non existent math skills, athletic ability, and looks, not race.