They weren't black but they weren't white either

They weren't black but they weren't white either
My byou mean Modern West Africans.
I've never heard someone claim they were Tuareg, Berber, or Bedoun. Arabs don't enter Egypt until Islamic expansion in the 600's and they definately weren't white so how exactly weren't they Africans?
technically nobody is black...They weren't black but they weren't white either
@Booksnrain said it’s pretty much an open secret too that archeological departments rub lightning oils too and that even Egyptian Arabs know the truthPeep how the Egyptians depicted nubians
Note how some of the nubians are the same shade as the king on the chariot.
CACs and their variants just cant let this shyt go. Egyptians were black, and even had dynasties from nubia(king taharqa). They're grasping for anything that justifies a belief in black inferiority.