I could definitely believe jay elect penned Queens Get the Money
but that's about it
but that's about it

i mean no ghostwriter is going to admit that he ghostwrote for the artist in question unless he got spurned and had a falling out/he didnt get paid and is salty about it
he isnt gonna be like "yeh i wrote this this and this" because thats not the honorable thing to do in the industry. he's not gonna intentionally shoot himself in the foot like that
the reality is from here we're just going to get more vague references to it by people, nas/stic/jay elec not really talking about it and dodging questions
yeah, Dream Hampton and that other dude really lost
neph27 said:the reality is from here we're just going to get more vague references to it by people, nas/stic/jay elec not really talking about it and dodging questions
Nas is one of the Greatest Ever. never has and never will need a ghostwriter. that man’s pen and legacy is without question.
dream hampton lost.
LOL @ her being a "journalist" with any modicum of credibility....bytch is nothing more than a groupie with connections and a pen/keyboard....and always has been.