So a man tells you he doesnt want to have sex with you...


May 30, 2013
Dona Nobis Pacem
I agree with no sex. Sex complicates things when introduced too early. There needs to be some restraint and some years before giving away my womanly essence to a man.

ETA: Don't believe me? Ask your baby mama that you can't stand....


Jul 5, 2014
I dont think you're weird, i meant the situation lol. Seriously i have never met a guy that had a problem with getting free sex even if they knew that there would be complications in the end. But thats not to say it doesn't happen.
I think it would if you guys were really feeling each other like that. Idk i could be wrong tho. I mean i really don't know how men think, i just go by my experiences and what i've seen.

No, i think you should have done whatever your mind and heart told you to do, as long as you dont feel like you are missing out then you made the right choice. Only you know your mind and if that situation didnt appeal to you then thats it. But like i said it's different go to the locker room and you see many of the guys being validated at the fact that some women lust after them for sex only. They say as long as they get their dikk wet then they could careless. Its hard to find a man or woman for that matter that values theirselves enough to make getting to know a person first the priority in a relationship. Sex can be a powerful, a lot of people use it to get what they want from the opposite sex, when you take that away you take away a powerful tool for some, they then don't know what to do without that power.

I dont think you're weird, i meant the situation lol. Seriously i have never met a guy that had a problem with getting free sex even if they knew that there would be complications in the end. But thats not to say it doesn't happen.
I think it would if you guys were really feeling each other like that. Idk i could be wrong tho. I mean i really don't know how men think, i just go by my experiences and what i've seen.

No, i think you should have done whatever your mind and heart told you to do, as long as you dont feel like you are missing out then you made the right choice. Only you know your mind and if that situation didnt appeal to you then thats it. But like i said it's different go to the locker room and you see many of the guys being validated at the fact that some women lust after them for sex only. They say as long as they get their dikk wet then they could careless. Its hard to find a man or woman for that matter that values theirselves enough to make getting to know a person first the priority in a relationship. Sex can be a powerful, a lot of people use it to get what they want from the opposite sex, when you take that away you take away a powerful tool for some, they then don't know what to do without that power.

Oh ok the situation is weird, lol gotcha. Yeah I'm a 26 year straight man so it isn't easy to pass up free sex, especially with a chick I'm really into. Most dudes definitely wouldn't pass that up. In fact, the homies still don't get why I did lol And yeah we definitely had a connection so it probably would have strengthened it.
And yeah the irony about sex being a tool, it does seems like since I didn't instantly jump at the first chance that that kind of confused her (guess it stripped her of that power she's probably used to having)
And we're feeling each other but like I said I'm not trying to just build something real with just anyone but I am open to that possibility. Guess most women don't think we're legit when we say that. And if she's open to FWB then don't try to change up later on lol

Action Mike

All praise..
Feb 24, 2014
I agree with no sex. Sex complicates things when introduced too early. There needs to be some restraint and some years before giving away my womanly essence to a man.

ETA: Don't believe me? Ask your baby mama that you can't stand....

Years?? :francis:

sex and a relationship ain't the same thing.

Ghanaian Armor

Jul 3, 2015
Queens, NY
This reply got longer than I wanted but this is a key opportunity for some life lessons for nikkas making this same mistake which is very common:

For the Men reading this thread: A Woman can get dikk anytime she needs it. If you are not providing it best believe some dusty zeke molobe tribe looking nikka will. :russ:

Most Women say they want that love flowers, wine and cheese shyt but what they really want is a dikk up their ass after you done made her p*ssy orgasm and she has smoked 2 blunts and 3 henny shots. Never ask what a Woman is thinking about that shyt is some 14 year old romance novel bullshyt.:lolbron:

If you aren't providing this experience for the average American Woman then assume you aren't the only negro in her life...Period :stopitslime:

For the Women reading this thread: Now as to why the negro doesn't want to have sex with you at this particular moment it is likely because he respects you and sees you as a potential future mother of his child and is evaluating you as such. Of course 90% of American Women fail this test by thinking this nikka is not interested because y'all DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW A MAN'S MIND OPERATES BECAUSE YOU NEVER HAD A REAL MAN IN YOUR LIFE. Of course the average Woman in this country does not want a nikka like that to be the Father of her child. She needs that nikka who will dog her out and thrust his seed in her raw no consideration for finances or whether he wants to actually be a Father. A thoughtless Tron type nikka that appeals to the primitive senses of the reptilian brain which instructs Women to mate with the "Alpha". The type of nikka that doesn't serve you breakfast in bed but he will teabag your forehead in the morning and give you breakfast on the go in the form of a sperm blast on your face.:heh:

Fellas, if you want to debate, discuss meaningful topics join a group of Men go out have some drinks and shoot the shyt. Do not look to Women for meaning in life. They are there for a couple of things: To make children, to tend to your PHYSICAL wounds (nurses), to pleasure you PHYSICALLY and when raised correctly to be the 2nd in command of your ship and maintain the household while you are away. They are NOT the following: Your pillow talk mate, your psychologist, your source for political opinion or news/current events, your source of inspiration OR your muse...If you want to know the true "evolved/civilized" Westernized Alpha Male prototype in A.D. times look no further than the aristocratic/colonist European Man in the 1600's - 1800's and how he maintained his household. A key defining factor of this Man was that time spent with the Missus was limited to sex, and sleepy time for the most part, occasionally appeasing the Mother-in-Law with some gifts. Meanwhile the majority of his free time spent when not campaigning to subject people of color was spent BANTERING AND ENJOYING THE CAMARADERIE WITH OTHER [HETEROSEXUAL] MALES.:smugdraper:

By treating them with roles they are biologically not designed to fulfill you will not help yourself at all. If you need emotional reassurance get into a fight with your brother. Give your Pops a bro-hug. Do not seek comfort in the arms of a Woman let alone an American Woman. You will be treated like a bytch and thrown out with the trash after she sucks another nikka dikk same day. There is a need for Male only spaces again. Men you will obtain nothing by putting anyone's sexuality, p*ssy (or your own dikk) on a pedestal and treating a Woman as if she is someone worthy of your attention beyond the couple of things in which I mentioned above. UNLESS you have absolutely positively ZERO desire to interact with her beyond a friend zone level, and even then there is no point in making the average Woman your friend - Just find a Brother to shoot the shyt with who will probably add infinitely more value and wisdom to your game and life than a Woman ever could.

Now there will be a lot of females (and Men) who hate and call me "Gay" for advocating for this...They called the Spartans gay too but they got more p*ssy and killed more Men than most modern Men living today. So sit on that thought. :youngsabo:


Feb 12, 2015
i would tell him to stop putting his dikk on a pedestal and that his dikk shouldn't be the most important part of him so he should have sex with me when I want it or I will get it from someone else while pretending to be exclusive until I get what I want from him.
There is NOTHING more instructional and exposing than good satire and sarcasm! REP!


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
Here's the story I had...there was a woman that I got real close with, to the point where we were like best everyone could tell that we really liked each other and she kept hinting for us to be I was incredibly attracted to her (mentally and physically)..we connected but I felt like if we started down that road (of just being friends with benefits) then later on that situation couldn't you start is how you finish. It's like she wanted the option to renegotiate the contract right after, where I was trying to stay firm to my principles of finding something real/building something.
So @MoonGoddess in that scenario was I being weird?
Why didnt you just ask her out? Did she have a boyfriend or just didnt want a relationship. if you guys were besties you should've already known each other enough to date.


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
This thread reminds me of the Madonna-Whore Complex.

“Where such men love they have no desire, and where they desire they cannot love,” Sigmund Freud wrote back in 1925. The founding father of psychoanalysis coined the Madonna-whore complex – a condition whereby men view women as either saintly, virgin Madonna’s or sexual “whores”.

It depends on how you view/value sex. Many men usually think a woman who gives it up easily or often is a dirty whore, or not worthy of your commitment. Instead they use her, label her as used goods, a play thing and throw her in the bushes when they are done with her.

Other men, who see sex as an action or activity, usually dont care as much because they don't see sex as something to feel guilty or ashamed of. It's recreational. She is just getting hers, while he gets his and they both go about their business. Everyone is somewhere with in the spectrum.

Human psyche and culture are interesting


Jul 5, 2014
Why didnt you just ask her out? Did she have a boyfriend or just didnt want a relationship. if you guys were besties you should've already known each other enough to date.
@CinnaSlim (sidenote...that's a fly name too..CinnaSlim but I digress) yeah but she didn't have a boyfriend and we know each other but I do think what people reveal (especially women) normally is how they want to be viewed but not the full story...if I really like a woman I try to watch their actions/moves for a while and see how they handle themselves bc you can't just be having just anyone up under you (and this goes for men and women). You have to be careful.


Jul 5, 2014
This thread reminds me of the Madonna-Whore Complex.

It depends on how you view/value sex. Many men usually think a woman who gives it up easily or often is a dirty whore, or not worthy of your commitment. Instead they use her, label her as used goods, a play thing and throw her in the bushes when they are done with her.

Other men, who see sex as an action or activity, usually dont care as much because they don't see sex as something to feel guilty or ashamed of. It's recreational. She is just getting hers, while he gets his and they both go about their business. Everyone is somewhere with in the spectrum.

Human psyche and culture are interesting
I mean you definitely bring up a good point. I think a lot of guys have the MW Complex, especially when they're young. (it's funny saying it bc now all I think of is Madonna....and well she is not who I think of as saintly...I know that's not who it's talking about but still lol) A lot of us think in black and white terms instead more fluid thoughts. A woman should definitely NOT be ashamed of having sex. Just like men shouldn't be ashamed of being wary of a woman who is more into casual sex currently (couple of partners right now) and he opts to just want one woman.

But I think this conversation goes both ways as most women find it utterly inconceivable that a guy would hold off on sex as if something is wrong with him. The ladies here haven't said that but I'm just talking in general.

So @CinnaSlim as a woman, school your boy, bc this has happened to the kid on a few occasions. I want to build something and the woman wants to weigh her options and not be tied down. (and as a guy I perfectly understand that) Everything is cool, vibe is great and we have sex and then they flip the script. I was the one wanting something and they didn't. It's like what gives?
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