You thought the train resembled socialism rather than capitalism?
I couldnt figure out if the flick was pro socialism or anti.
The only black man i saw was neutered serving cacs sushi toward the front of the car, HOUSE nikka.
The black woman had her child taken from her Early, to either be educated around a bunch of cacs, or sent to prison to be used as a slave for labor
The people closest to the master were cacs that looked like Mobsters and redneck G.i Joe nikkas.
The British woman represented the brits were like another layer of insulation to big american business.
The Koreans were the cacs personal soldiers. (south koreans)
Captain America aka the average broke cac wants to get to the head of the train, not so he can destroy the system but to realize that the world must be run like this to maintain order and white supremacy, off the back of blacks and whites and he turns his back on the struggle and embraces his cacness
When captain america nearly broke the engine and the opportunity for freedom came up for the white slave the white kid got out of his station and went to the brain of the engine to keep it going instead of being free.
When the black kid was freed he stuck with his only ally, the Asian....aka african/asian connection. He didnt get back in to keep the engine running.
The asian had no other desire but to destroy the system because it kept them locked out of so many doors.
The system fell apart and the only thing was left was the black man, the asian woman and a white beast.
The end.