She wasn't bagging, she was mixing white and bake so she could freebase the mix and make hard using the microwave she was next to.
Also whenever workers are active, dealers always make sure they're naked so they can't slip any product in their pockets on the low, it doesn't matter if they're working a kick, quarter kick or whatever, its the same principle regardless.
Damn ATL nikkas got Pittburgh and Tennesee nikkas just moving on in huh
pittsburgh is a hood in atl.
pittsburgh is a hood in atl.
basically, like stolen/hot electronics come with cables and chargers and all thatEnding sucked tho....should have ended it with him dead, in jail, or with the battery running out.
Yea but the nikkas in the movie were from Pittsburgh PA. He said they was from Pennsylvania in the movie.
Peep the scene where he by the dumpster talkin prices with buddy wit his face blurred sure? which ones?
somebody explain that shyt at 37 min when they was getting bust at? Did the camera man get hit? and who was the nikka laying in the street when the camera switched up?