FactoIt's the Detox effect man no matter what happens people are going to hate. Compton was a fantastic album but still got hate.
People are over thinking it
One guy is in his 50s another in his 60s ,( almost died and had a stroke )

When the beach boys ' eagles or all these other legacy rock acts release new music at the tail end of their careers .it don't effect their legacy ..

Rather then celebrate these 2 gettin back in the lab at this point , and lookin at it as a victory lap MFS wanna hate
Look , I probably won't get everything I want from the project but seeing snoop have the year he has ,
.and seeing snoop enjoying himself next to STING on stage , the other night
Says two me if he kan enjoy the moment I sure as hell ain't gonna sit here wit skrewfaxe just koz I didn't get some 2001 sounding production

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