Snake Eyes | July 2021 | GI Joe Spin-off


Oct 29, 2012
hey joe,....

haven't had a good rant.
or much to write a great rant on.
so pardon me.
as over time we get to see.
the great we saw was mostly from lightning in a bottle.
or some big wig at the top taking credit.
while not knowing the actual brain trust behind why the spreadsheet numbers are the way they are.

so in that...

i got's to rant on snake eyes at least.
as this is one of those damaged oppurtunity top draws.
that imo, i believe hasbro has no idea wtf they have.
or actually had to begin with.
well first.

snake eyes is the spreadsheet sheet sales winner in the original relaunch of gi joe in 3.75.
3.75 being the measurement scale for the star wars action figure.
or what created the economic boom of our lifetime.
where ain't been shyt else on its level

out of that..
snake eyes, as a property and product.
snake eyes, may be the first sales spreadsheet winner.
that created the ideal.
of spreadsheet marketing based direction for profits in the eighties boom as well.
plus using full house brain trust and cost cutting techniques.
that work to create a blockbuster and fuel a blockbuster.


For the time, Imo.
I think snake eyes is the only actual next mysterious wave character of our gen.
snakes eyes is the evolution in the ranks of snake plissken, wolverine, Vader. Leading to cobra commander, emperor, etc.
yet he is from that cloth of mysterious villain with no defined origin.
to the evolution of just make the mysterious villain.
a hero from the beginning,...
or so we thought.
now in my hood Batman was no big thing. Yet from what i get from other internet community guys of all types. Was that Windsor conan Batman for older guys to wolverine.
created,...The now Turned good guy.
with a bit of batman meets ras al ghul backstory I believe as well.
Or from the time. I definitely remember the Conan connection could have created the spreadsheet ideal of having snake eyes follow Windsor smith's character ideals. Plus the boom and controversy of Conan and he-man. Really makes you understand that snake eyes is a bit Conan Windsor smith Neal Adams type batman style character in essence.
simply because of the time and lineage of smart first gen spreadsheet braintrust ideal origin employees.
As opposed to next gen spreadsheet employees. Not understanding analystics and having a disconnect to the grasroots ideal needed in synergy with spread sheet ideals. That are.
now, termed analytics.

with now analytics being a term and made into such a big thing.
with everything without the real full braintrust.
behind why those analytics exist in the manner in which they do.

Imo, snake eyes is a complete prisoner and victim to this ideal.
plus why we will never get a proper snake eye high quality legacy based film property to accompany.
Such a great character, character model, cast model, and simple cost cutting innovation.

snake eyes is the last great original toy property.
that is a complete silent mysterious side character in premise.

with enough mystique to be a stand alone franchise property from a completely mute character. Where said character could have their origin told in a tarantino narrated r rated style film. As tarantino's film style is very much just an expression of what if we told the origin of wolverine. After the property existed on film as a mechanic. before anyone was dumb enough to finally give wolverine an origin. Which from snake eyes is also why companies. should know to have a pre-packaged origin for the mysterious stranger ahead of time. Or as the main focus of any newly launched franchise. As the mysterious hero with no back story. Needs to have a backstory ready. Or you will cripple the entire franchise from having to move around to many core element parts. Plus in writing a franchise of this magnitude. Anyone should know to never Lancelot Arthur. Or cuck Arthur out to Lancelot. As it weakens the franchise and does not allow the franchise.
or it's consumers any ability to grow past the one grand conflict. As you create a conflict So grand by cuckold'n the main leader.
or hero for the mysterious stranger. You ruin any further movement of the title in quality by proxy.
why this was never made into this thing by corporations i dunno.
as i am sure analytics should exist that explain this.
yet every company that has a mysterious stranger.
seems to not understand this drawing dynamic and how it really really works.
as real talk.
since snake eyes was fukked up in origin and sentiment as a supporting character.
you ruin the entire leadership structure.
plus risking nerf'n the entire line in this spreadsheet era.
into sjw gi joe and ruin gi joe just like mattel did with heman and she-ra.
as snake being written with scarlett.
like he is wolvie with jean.
is one of the dumbest stoopidest ideas to continue going, and should have never been made into this thing.
as it completely undermines gi joe as a series and its original tv central character in duke being the main focus and leader of the original flagship film medium property.

which is the fukk'n dumbest mistake.

as you nerf the main hero for a side character potentially.
when star wars showed how to market two central characters as the main in han and luke.
plus showed how to get around this issue. by simple changes in lineage. that clearly defined luke as not being or having any interest in leia by proxy. plus clearly defining han as the guy with this particular girl. with gi joe. having snake eyes accompany scarlett over and over and into this thing is fukk'n stoopid as fukk.

especially for a time. where kids ran outside with our toys.
when toys actually made kids wanna run around with dumb big ass millenium falcons and such outside everywhere and i mean everywhere.
which is totally not reflective with what occurs today. being connected to the phone.
as the phone walkman is totally different than toys.
as i should know. i had ll cool j on my walkman clipped to my belt.
while and i still had flint and lady jaye with the cobra nightraven running around shopping stores and shyt. while my moms shopped at boring places like the fur store evans. where you better not touch or fukk up a cot damn thing.
plus, i was given the hellfire whoop'n for destroying a jewels aisle filled with spaghetti sauce playing hulk with my overgrown best friend. so i was already disciplined to understand self control. to the point, to really cherish my toys and not to fukk with other people's shyt.
so even personally,....
i feel a phone and toys do not share any actual demographic at all whatsoever. toys created the action that made people want tech. tech does not want or create the energy to draw or market toys.
tech is just another medium to supply the eye of the tiger evolved backgrounds.
as they fuel your toy like adventure. the phone has not taken the place of robbie in mask. or the role of the nanny in transformers the movie. so this whole idea that kids are so tech driven is not true.
kids are driven to what can create their imagination. where at this time. toys properties and companies do not understand this at all whatsoever.

as toys are the gateway to sci fi tech, and in that. if you never create toys of that ilk or a grassroots evolved equivalent. you will never create a blockbuster. as blockbusters come from star wars and military space voyage drama period.
in that,...whole disconnect.
is why snake eyes will probably never get the high quality green light it should. as studios have no brain trust and suffer from complete disconnect. on how to actually market or create blockbusters from past or any new property as well.
as they have a disconnect in creating and crafting the print medium.
either in source material to the script.
or as a consumer based product.
meaning the disconnect that hama has in writing and the corporate stooges is real.

which create the dynamic.

where the two types of properties.
create why the product may never really work again in the way it worked then.
which is why when it needed a reboot.
the beauty and charm of a kid's imagination.
to make a property better was lost finally to mass consumption in America via commercialism and capitalism. somewhere between the big national epic space ideal and direction of the country from nasa. To what we would later know.
was now a concentrated effort to shield profits from drugs and weapons in America.
via the decline of social draw military or welfare to the prison industrial economy.
so somewhere Between the small film conversion of he-man and gi joe from the original So called print releases. That featured mark Teixeira pencils in he-man and hamma on gi joe.

Imo, I also think the transformers comic and the gi joe comic were written way to complicated for children. That luckily the property was so visionary.
from numerous misappropriated foreign licenses in transformers and an equally revere'd gi joe smaller figure re-launch. That kids just let their imaginations soar to cancel out the camp and toy company disconnect. Imo, I believe somewhere in nerf'n he-man for she-ra at mattel. Plus gi joe never really being defined in leadership because of the spreadsheet numbers of snake eye being so PROFOUND. Plus hawk never being a central lead over duke. Who in tone was basically a cuck to kids.
raised via the standard idea of the new deal and the AMERICAn way of a married man and wife. Where this dynamic is off-played and completely confusing for children. In that confusion is also where the nostalgia to reconnect for other gens is in action figures and properties, period.

in this disconnect to really nail and drive home sound content. With sound execution of the entire line and marketing of toys to children.

that entire beauty and charm was lost in the admin structure and braintrust of these companies. Which is why they post fake profit numbers. Yet anyone who was around knows none of this bullshyt they try will sell. As they simply have no idea wtf they are doing. Plus if you look back. They really just caught ligthning in a bottle.
piggy backing off mother's group's meddling with star wars.
plus disney fukking up star wars originally beyond repair before with droids.
just after this to destroy the boom of star wars.
so from that boom of star wars to he-man and the transformers.
gi joe, just superceded both and became the new wave.
as we see as time moves on.
the braintrust of idiots.
who took over to replicate profits during the dawn of Reagan backed mother's groups. To deflect the fact Reagan and his regime were selling drugs and guns poisoning the entire world and domestic AMERICA. while deflecting on products and bullshyt being the cause to the rise of issues mother's group faced in their home. Instead of taking accountability.
they were narcissistic houses raised on the exact profits from guns and drugs.
like the sound houses and families of people they deflected misuse of operation of vehicles to lack of home training on. Their communities hid their issues brewing in their households. The same way they hid their issues selling contraband from powder drugs and guns. that plagues American domestic soil. plus further lead to the white creation of the republican dope and contraband mother. that was then deflected on to any and every mother who was impoverished in america and her famiilies wrongly as well.

yet were unable to shield that negative lifestyle expression from tainting their kids. Which lead to their children having issues with drug use and the abundant high resource vehicle rise in teen deaths in their sector. To so-called create this huge public out reach to actually harm children. While deflecting away on children programming as to why issues are bubbling in America. When it was the mother's issue very household's sociology and dichtomy playing out in large scale from their criminality.
formed from the over resourced illegal income in those mother's groups homes creating the issues and spilling out of control. Then being heavily pr'd because of those resources. Over and above, real grassroots situations. before their criminal activity was lied about and deflected in their homes.

so the beauty to have a character like snake eyes sells.

plus why things sold in the idea of a blockbuster are all tied into the time.
when snake eyes rocked and was literally the mysterious hero of our gen.
yet, mystery of why snake eyes is snake eyes.

is a story completely untold as to why snake eyes is a draw.
which comes from complete asinine buffonery and disconnect to cover up the iran contra and illegal powder and gun sales business. the us was actually taking part in from the reagan regime. while being covered up.
in that time it created the boom for a military property unknowingly to these idiots in every since.

so moving forward.
i do not ever see a character being made in the mysterious hero fashion.
every selling or being this thing as a product.
as it was for every little kid growing up and enjoying the boom of gi joe.
as the narcissistic dynamic of the us government that created the boom for why gi joe was gi joe.

does not exist anymore, and the disconnect to the tether.
to that every being made in such a way.
to draw to its potential is completely cut and unable to be reattached.

art barr

Won Won

Sep 11, 2012
Wow damn good cast to start off with. Those GI Joe movies were nothing if not entertaining.

They were schlocky, good-bad Sunday afternoon movies. They did Snake Eyes dirty with those lips in the first one though :heh:


Nov 18, 2016
hey joe,....

haven't had a good rant.
or much to write a great rant on.
so pardon me.
as over time we get to see.
the great we saw was mostly from lightning in a bottle.
or some big wig at the top taking credit.
while not knowing the actual brain trust behind why the spreadsheet numbers are the way they are.

so in that...

i got's to rant on snake eyes at least.
as this is one of those damaged oppurtunity top draws.
that imo, i believe hasbro has no idea wtf they have.
or actually had to begin with.
well first.

snake eyes is the spreadsheet sheet sales winner in the original relaunch of gi joe in 3.75.
3.75 being the measurement scale for the star wars action figure.
or what created the economic boom of our lifetime.
where ain't been shyt else on its level

out of that..
snake eyes, as a property and product.
snake eyes, may be the first sales spreadsheet winner.
that created the ideal.
of spreadsheet marketing based direction for profits in the eighties boom as well.
plus using full house brain trust and cost cutting techniques.
that work to create a blockbuster and fuel a blockbuster.


For the time, Imo.
I think snake eyes is the only actual next mysterious wave character of our gen.
snakes eyes is the evolution in the ranks of snake plissken, wolverine, Vader. Leading to cobra commander, emperor, etc.
yet he is from that cloth of mysterious villain with no defined origin.
to the evolution of just make the mysterious villain.
a hero from the beginning,...
or so we thought.
now in my hood Batman was no big thing. Yet from what i get from other internet community guys of all types. Was that Windsor conan Batman for older guys to wolverine.
created,...The now Turned good guy.
with a bit of batman meets ras al ghul backstory I believe as well.
Or from the time. I definitely remember the Conan connection could have created the spreadsheet ideal of having snake eyes follow Windsor smith's character ideals. Plus the boom and controversy of Conan and he-man. Really makes you understand that snake eyes is a bit Conan Windsor smith Neal Adams type batman style character in essence.
simply because of the time and lineage of smart first gen spreadsheet braintrust ideal origin employees.
As opposed to next gen spreadsheet employees. Not understanding analystics and having a disconnect to the grasroots ideal needed in synergy with spread sheet ideals. That are.
now, termed analytics.

with now analytics being a term and made into such a big thing.
with everything without the real full braintrust.
behind why those analytics exist in the manner in which they do.

Imo, snake eyes is a complete prisoner and victim to this ideal.
plus why we will never get a proper snake eye high quality legacy based film property to accompany.
Such a great character, character model, cast model, and simple cost cutting innovation.

snake eyes is the last great original toy property.
that is a complete silent mysterious side character in premise.

with enough mystique to be a stand alone franchise property from a completely mute character. Where said character could have their origin told in a tarantino narrated r rated style film. As tarantino's film style is very much just an expression of what if we told the origin of wolverine. After the property existed on film as a mechanic. before anyone was dumb enough to finally give wolverine an origin. Which from snake eyes is also why companies. should know to have a pre-packaged origin for the mysterious stranger ahead of time. Or as the main focus of any newly launched franchise. As the mysterious hero with no back story. Needs to have a backstory ready. Or you will cripple the entire franchise from having to move around to many core element parts. Plus in writing a franchise of this magnitude. Anyone should know to never Lancelot Arthur. Or cuck Arthur out to Lancelot. As it weakens the franchise and does not allow the franchise.
or it's consumers any ability to grow past the one grand conflict. As you create a conflict So grand by cuckold'n the main leader.
or hero for the mysterious stranger. You ruin any further movement of the title in quality by proxy.
why this was never made into this thing by corporations i dunno.
as i am sure analytics should exist that explain this.
yet every company that has a mysterious stranger.
seems to not understand this drawing dynamic and how it really really works.
as real talk.
since snake eyes was fukked up in origin and sentiment as a supporting character.
you ruin the entire leadership structure.
plus risking nerf'n the entire line in this spreadsheet era.
into sjw gi joe and ruin gi joe just like mattel did with heman and she-ra.
as snake being written with scarlett.
like he is wolvie with jean.
is one of the dumbest stoopidest ideas to continue going, and should have never been made into this thing.
as it completely undermines gi joe as a series and its original tv central character in duke being the main focus and leader of the original flagship film medium property.

which is the fukk'n dumbest mistake.

as you nerf the main hero for a side character potentially.
when star wars showed how to market two central characters as the main in han and luke.
plus showed how to get around this issue. by simple changes in lineage. that clearly defined luke as not being or having any interest in leia by proxy. plus clearly defining han as the guy with this particular girl. with gi joe. having snake eyes accompany scarlett over and over and into this thing is fukk'n stoopid as fukk.

especially for a time. where kids ran outside with our toys.
when toys actually made kids wanna run around with dumb big ass millenium falcons and such outside everywhere and i mean everywhere.
which is totally not reflective with what occurs today. being connected to the phone.
as the phone walkman is totally different than toys.
as i should know. i had ll cool j on my walkman clipped to my belt.
while and i still had flint and lady jaye with the cobra nightraven running around shopping stores and shyt. while my moms shopped at boring places like the fur store evans. where you better not touch or fukk up a cot damn thing.
plus, i was given the hellfire whoop'n for destroying a jewels aisle filled with spaghetti sauce playing hulk with my overgrown best friend. so i was already disciplined to understand self control. to the point, to really cherish my toys and not to fukk with other people's shyt.
so even personally,....
i feel a phone and toys do not share any actual demographic at all whatsoever. toys created the action that made people want tech. tech does not want or create the energy to draw or market toys.
tech is just another medium to supply the eye of the tiger evolved backgrounds.
as they fuel your toy like adventure. the phone has not taken the place of robbie in mask. or the role of the nanny in transformers the movie. so this whole idea that kids are so tech driven is not true.
kids are driven to what can create their imagination. where at this time. toys properties and companies do not understand this at all whatsoever.

as toys are the gateway to sci fi tech, and in that. if you never create toys of that ilk or a grassroots evolved equivalent. you will never create a blockbuster. as blockbusters come from star wars and military space voyage drama period.
in that,...whole disconnect.
is why snake eyes will probably never get the high quality green light it should. as studios have no brain trust and suffer from complete disconnect. on how to actually market or create blockbusters from past or any new property as well.
as they have a disconnect in creating and crafting the print medium.
either in source material to the script.
or as a consumer based product.
meaning the disconnect that hama has in writing and the corporate stooges is real.

which create the dynamic.

where the two types of properties.
create why the product may never really work again in the way it worked then.
which is why when it needed a reboot.
the beauty and charm of a kid's imagination.
to make a property better was lost finally to mass consumption in America via commercialism and capitalism. somewhere between the big national epic space ideal and direction of the country from nasa. To what we would later know.
was now a concentrated effort to shield profits from drugs and weapons in America.
via the decline of social draw military or welfare to the prison industrial economy.
so somewhere Between the small film conversion of he-man and gi joe from the original So called print releases. That featured mark Teixeira pencils in he-man and hamma on gi joe.

Imo, I also think the transformers comic and the gi joe comic were written way to complicated for children. That luckily the property was so visionary.
from numerous misappropriated foreign licenses in transformers and an equally revere'd gi joe smaller figure re-launch. That kids just let their imaginations soar to cancel out the camp and toy company disconnect. Imo, I believe somewhere in nerf'n he-man for she-ra at mattel. Plus gi joe never really being defined in leadership because of the spreadsheet numbers of snake eye being so PROFOUND. Plus hawk never being a central lead over duke. Who in tone was basically a cuck to kids.
raised via the standard idea of the new deal and the AMERICAn way of a married man and wife. Where this dynamic is off-played and completely confusing for children. In that confusion is also where the nostalgia to reconnect for other gens is in action figures and properties, period.

in this disconnect to really nail and drive home sound content. With sound execution of the entire line and marketing of toys to children.

that entire beauty and charm was lost in the admin structure and braintrust of these companies. Which is why they post fake profit numbers. Yet anyone who was around knows none of this bullshyt they try will sell. As they simply have no idea wtf they are doing. Plus if you look back. They really just caught ligthning in a bottle.
piggy backing off mother's group's meddling with star wars.
plus disney fukking up star wars originally beyond repair before with droids.
just after this to destroy the boom of star wars.
so from that boom of star wars to he-man and the transformers.
gi joe, just superceded both and became the new wave.
as we see as time moves on.
the braintrust of idiots.
who took over to replicate profits during the dawn of Reagan backed mother's groups. To deflect the fact Reagan and his regime were selling drugs and guns poisoning the entire world and domestic AMERICA. while deflecting on products and bullshyt being the cause to the rise of issues mother's group faced in their home. Instead of taking accountability.
they were narcissistic houses raised on the exact profits from guns and drugs.
like the sound houses and families of people they deflected misuse of operation of vehicles to lack of home training on. Their communities hid their issues brewing in their households. The same way they hid their issues selling contraband from powder drugs and guns. that plagues American domestic soil. plus further lead to the white creation of the republican dope and contraband mother. that was then deflected on to any and every mother who was impoverished in america and her famiilies wrongly as well.

yet were unable to shield that negative lifestyle expression from tainting their kids. Which lead to their children having issues with drug use and the abundant high resource vehicle rise in teen deaths in their sector. To so-called create this huge public out reach to actually harm children. While deflecting away on children programming as to why issues are bubbling in America. When it was the mother's issue very household's sociology and dichtomy playing out in large scale from their criminality.
formed from the over resourced illegal income in those mother's groups homes creating the issues and spilling out of control. Then being heavily pr'd because of those resources. Over and above, real grassroots situations. before their criminal activity was lied about and deflected in their homes.

so the beauty to have a character like snake eyes sells.

plus why things sold in the idea of a blockbuster are all tied into the time.
when snake eyes rocked and was literally the mysterious hero of our gen.
yet, mystery of why snake eyes is snake eyes.

is a story completely untold as to why snake eyes is a draw.
which comes from complete asinine buffonery and disconnect to cover up the iran contra and illegal powder and gun sales business. the us was actually taking part in from the reagan regime. while being covered up.
in that time it created the boom for a military property unknowingly to these idiots in every since.

so moving forward.
i do not ever see a character being made in the mysterious hero fashion.
every selling or being this thing as a product.
as it was for every little kid growing up and enjoying the boom of gi joe.
as the narcissistic dynamic of the us government that created the boom for why gi joe was gi joe.

does not exist anymore, and the disconnect to the tether.
to that every being made in such a way.
to draw to its potential is completely cut and unable to be reattached.

art barr
well said. But you have to realize all the execs take the marvel model and run with it.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
well said. But you have to realize all the execs take the marvel model and run with it.

it will not work.
as, marvel anything in drawing spreadsheet legacy is connected to the threat of the draft.

if you would like to make the further dialogue.
as to why they think the marvel model will work on the spreadsheet.
I can supply the content that shows why the marvel model will not work.
unless it has certain variables and they are all centralized around the draft.
since there is a disconnect to that in the structure of how things are.

there will never be another so-called real blockbuster.
Plus any so-called high seller is really a distributor based lie.

as i know it is a lie.
for I was alive to see blockbusters and what the result in a grassroots result is.
marvel at times does not feel like a real blockbuster either.
it feels as synthetic.
as the so-called comeback of Disney's lion king was.
as Disney really never and still does not know how to make or sustsin blockbusters in the modern age for real.
as they never did it in the age when content clearly was fsr and away from their sweet spot. Disney has no idea and failed to make blockbusters in the vein of blockbusters. Even Hasbro and Martell both failed to make film magnified blockbusters. All because all these companies are ran by legacy and the power to Oh out any fledling who could create a blockbuster before it even reaches distribution and have done so. If not them, then sony and others.
will do it to the recording and film Industry. Just so they do not have to try to reacquire the anamoly,..the ly do not know how to make in the blockbuster.

art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I guess we gotta start back at the beginning of what makes nikkaz know.
they have to be the best physical peak they can be.
plus you can work your way up as a kid.
by going outside to show and prove, skills.

it is either, alphonso or crazy legs.

in that weird segueway to the new school way of thought.
from the old school way of thought.
plus, the death of the mainstream draw of break as the main drawing gateway pillar. Creating an influx of wannabe classically trained art school sellout toys and posers. That still are the type.
to float around other pillars gen to gen. Selling themselves out to arthouses.
that are the TOYS and posers to this day.

in the segueway to the new school way of thought and purge of ol school way of thought toys. Real bboys were supposed to get knowledge of self.
which is where the visage of guys like rakim become what they are in full scope.

not someone welling to sell it out for the spoils.
not someone who is not as skilled as they say they are in a sonic landscape based sweet spot but get exposed.

if you were around outside.
the mythical ideal of snake eyes as a toy.
extends from the blockbuster and then amalgamates.
yet in that is still the idea of tech, the draft, use of fighting weapons and war.

Art Barr

y'all living a prison industrial economy neutralized lie.
when you should be mining.
things of value, from those times.
that are phased out of general mainstream ideal on purpose.
learn the value of that crate.
it is the only way you will truly prosper.


Art Barr

if you do not dig in the crate.
that is what makes you wack.
as you are limiting your ability to be prescient.
When being prescience is your saving chief PRINCIPAL in hip hop actual culture.
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