snake eyes is a CAC. but thats because of shytty writing. it makes no sense for him to be a cac
so in so many words are you alluding to.
or, are you saying Larry hama.
whom i believe wrote gi joe the comic.
was written in a way.
that it was to complicated for kids to really digest?
if so,...i agree.
I, totally agree.
as the whole back story of snake eyes and his whole history.
Should never have went past him being a mute and the significance of the tattoo.
As real talk.
the storm shadow snake eyes conflict is encapsulated and told the best in the cartoon.
as opposed to hama being forced to stooge it up.
or be made or write it.
in a way to complicated to get for a kid.
[Imo, wolverine hama also wrote].
was also written with no wherewithal to a child's comprehension. It is a number of books like that.
the film saved those characters. Yet snake eyes should have been a character. That was written prescient to the mystery origin character and written a comprehensive full origin that was digestible to a child. way before release.
as real talk, children digesting mainstream complex concepts. like finding a father.
or backstory back then to almost now is relatively new in the world. as some mainstream known or marketed thing. it is television mostly but tv that created change. yet in that given the times.
hama should have been even more prescient to this.
Considering the boom of children's toys from sci fi star wars.
went directly from prehistoric sci fi conan fantasy in he-man.
then to what if modern take on war and conflict with the joe's.
as star wars was written with complete detail to clarity to its age demographic and it has been widely known since it was a phenomenon.
in that hama should have been more aware/prescient to writing in a way.
that took well to children.
as imo, all the marvel hasbro titles in print.
were written way to complex for the age background of the reader.
which the relaunch of the property as a cartoon is what aided the property and not really the print medium. As during that time kids played with toys and the supposed age bracket that kids played with toys.
did not mesh well with the print takes in the hasbro toy lines. That luckily when hasbro went to animation. The experts there at sunbow made the property as accessible in clarity of story as possible.
for the added draw of the film property to properly amplify the toy and merchandising. As before the cartoons of both joe and transformers. The property was in needed of a larger mainstream boom in comparison to where star wars was.
before Mother's groups ruined Jedi toys. Plus any star wars characters merchandizing to film at the time .
in that whole spreadsheet analytics corporate mush. Snake eyes somehow is still this popular to warrant a series. Yet,... I dunno how successful it can be.
as the character has complete disconnect because of origin issues.
whereas this character is the one character of our gen. That all can be forgiven if done right.
yet it feel.
it has gone on So long. That there is complete disconnect to military properties being a solid draw of any kind.
simply because well as men we are not threatened with the draft. So the wonder of a boy being shackled by interest in the military significantly waned. As time from this change has been soldified and now made into legal law. Whereas for the time. Our gen was threatened with returning to the draft.
so now to make this property make any money.
it has to move forward and become prescient to the idea. That it needs high quality based content property to property.
to overcome this generational disconnect.
To create this post gen sweet spot draw in the age demographic.
right now.
snake eyes has so many issues to deal with to make it dope and to sell it.
so to make it worthwhile in this everything is bootleg Rick and morty Chemical digital romance with our cable box slash communication devices.
this is at best a streaming property because of this.
plus to make it any good in this age. It has to be long as comprehensively studios by spread sheet/analytics.
really do not know how to do legacy products accurately. While generally holding a monopoly on all the great past legacy properties.
so to start the how did snake eyes get fukked up titan graph rant. We have to talk about all the grand three to four year decades. of corporate bullshyt to even see a snake eyes movie. Let alone a great snakes eyes top drawing film property. That snake eyes actually is as a grassroots sales phenomenon. Which was actually created from cost cutting and spreadsheet analytics.
art barr