they had the shield lose to do away with the weak link shyt. Bryan finally got his big payoff, now after this Sunday when either he turns on Randy, or Randy turns on him, they can leave this feud behind. it's that simple..
You can argue that they should have done it on PPV or a raw, but um.. They had Bryan go over Rollins on RAW which was pretty much equally huge and did a lot for Bry. Secondly, if you have Bryan and Orton go over Sunday instead of Friday, that means Rated Rk-No! is our new champions and the feud continues.. Nobody wants that lol
If they have Rated Rk-No! lose without fukkery, the feud either continues or is dropped with Bryan never really getting a payoff. So this makes sense to me. I like the matches this feud is bringing, but its about time for this shyt to be over.
Just let them cook breh
You can argue that they should have done it on PPV or a raw, but um.. They had Bryan go over Rollins on RAW which was pretty much equally huge and did a lot for Bry. Secondly, if you have Bryan and Orton go over Sunday instead of Friday, that means Rated Rk-No! is our new champions and the feud continues.. Nobody wants that lol
If they have Rated Rk-No! lose without fukkery, the feud either continues or is dropped with Bryan never really getting a payoff. So this makes sense to me. I like the matches this feud is bringing, but its about time for this shyt to be over.
Just let them cook breh