Slystallion's current bulking plan (meal plan and lifting program included)


Live to Strive
May 4, 2012
Latest progress pics jan 2013*** weight gain minimal but liking the progress i see with my eyes. Realistically without gaining fat i can probably only gain 6lbs of muscle within a year.




When i last tried my bulking program i was not gaining any weight and then i went and bought a calorie counter and it made me realize i was getting no where near the amount of food i needed to put on weight...i have been on this current plan for about 3 weeks i went from 140 to 144 so far and the goal is 155 here is my current status taken 1 day ago

current stats 144lbs 5'10"


here is my current meal plan please rate it
Lift Days
Calories - 2600 (500 calorie surplus)

Protein - 160 grams

Fats - 70 grams

Carbs - 325 grams

Meal 1
20g fat, 50g protein, 50g carbs
- Omelet: 3 whole eggs, 1 cup egg whites and 1 teaspoon coconut oil for cooking

- Banana

- Apple or handful of berries

Meal 2
20g fat, 50g protein, 125g carbs

8oz chicken

600g potatoes/yams or 175g of brown rice

4 teaspoons of fat (butter/coconut oil) or 40g almonds

Meal 3
30g fat, 60g protein, 125g carbs

300g (10-12 ounces) of animal protein

600g of potatoes/yams or 175g of rice/pasta

Bowl of veggies (broccoli or cauliflower or whatever you like)

0-4 teaspoons of butter/oil for taste

Cardio/Rest Days

Calories - 2200 (100 calorie surplus)

Protein - 160g

Fats - 70g

Carbs - 225g

Meal 1

20g fat, 50g protein, 50g carbs

- Omelet: 3 whole eggs, 1 cup egg whites and 1 teaspoon coconut oil for cooking

- Banana

- Apple or handful of berries

Meal 2
20g fat, 50g protein, 50g carbs

500g of 2% greek yogurt or cottage cheese

20g of almonds

1 banana


8 ounces of chicken, half an advocado, salad greens and 2 servings of fruit

Meal 3

30g fat, 60g protein, 125g carbs

300g (10-12 ounces) of animal protein

600g of potatoes/yams or 175g of rice/pasta

Bowl of veggies (broccoli or cauliflower or whatever you like)

0-4 teaspoons of butter/oil for taste

and here is my lifting program i have followed the past 3 weeks

Workout A - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps

Incline Barbell Bench Press: 3 sets - 5, 6, 8 reps (RPT)

Seated DB Shoulder Press: 3 sets x 6-10 reps (RPT)

Lateral Raises: 5 sets - 12, 10, 8, 6, 6 reps

Weighted Dips: 3 sets - 8, 10, 12 reps (RPT)

Rope Extensions: 5 sets - 12, 10, 8, 6, 6 reps

*** Workout Notes ***
1) For Incline Barbell Bench Press you will perform 5 reps for your first set, reduce the weight by 10% and perform 6 reps for your second set, reduce the weight again by 10% and perform 8 reps for your final set. Rest 3 minutes between these sets. The second workout you will add 5 lbs to your second and third set. The third workout you will add 5 lbs to your first set. The fourth workout you will add 5 lbs to your second and third set. You will continue alternating either adding 5 lbs to your first set or to your second and third set. This progression method will have you adding 15 lbs to your incline bench press per month.

2) For Incline DB Shoulder Press you will go straight to your heavy set. Use a weight that you can do between 6-10 reps with. Perform 3 sets reducing the weight by 5 lbs per dumbbell each time. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Each week try to add one rep to anyone of your 3 sets.

ex: 60 lbs x 6, 55 lbs x 8, 50 lbs x 10. The next week you would try and add 1 rep to anyone of the sets. Ex: 60 lbs x 7, 55 lbs x 8, 50 lbs x 10.

3) For lateral raises pick a weight you can perform 12 reps with. Rest 30-60 seconds between sets. Perform 12 reps, 10 reps, 8, reps, 6 reps and 6 reps. When it becomes easier then you can reduce the rest between sets to 20-30 seconds. After you can do 20 seconds of rest between sets then you will progress to a heavier weight and start again.

4) For weighted dips pick a weight you can perform 8 reps with. Reduce the weight by 20 lbs and perform your second set for 10 reps. Reduce the weight by another 20 lbs and perform your third set for 12 reps. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. As with incline bench press - add 5 lbs to your second and third set and then the next workout add 5 lbs to your first set.

5) For rope extensions pick a weight you can perform 12 reps with. Rest 30-60 seconds between sets. Perform 12 reps, 10 reps, 8, reps, 6 reps and 6 reps. When it becomes easier then you can reduce the rest between sets to 20-30 seconds. After you can do 20 seconds of rest between sets then you will progress to a heavier weight and start again.

Workout B - Back, Bi's, Legs

Weighted Chin ups: 3 sets - 5, 6, 8 reps (RPT)
Incline DB Curls: 3 sets - 6-8, 7-10, 8-10 (RPT)
Cable Rope Curls (Hammer Grip): 5 sets - 12, 10, 8, 6, 6
Bent Over Flyes: 5 sets - 12, 10, 8, 6, 6
Bulgarian Split Squats or Pistols: 3 sets x 6-10 reps
Standing One Leg Calf Raises: 3 sets - 12, 10, 8 reps

** Workout Notes ***

1) For chin ups you will perform 5 reps for your first set, reduce the weight by 20 lbs and perform 6 reps for your second set, reduce the weight by 20 lbs and perform 8 reps for your last set. Rest 3 minutes between these sets. Add 5 lbs to your second and third set and then the next workout add 5 lbs to your first set. Continue alternating between adding 5 lbs to your second and third set and adding 5 lbs to your first set. This method will have you adding 15 lbs to your weighted chin ups per month.

2) For Incline DB Curls you will go straight to your heavy set. Use a weight that you can do between 6-8 reps with. Perform 3 sets reducing the weight by 5 lbs per dumbbell each time. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Each week try to add one rep to anyone of your 3 sets.

ex: 30 lbs x 6, 25 lbs x 8, 20 lbs x 10. The next week you would try and add 1 rep to anyone of the sets. Ex: 30 lbs x 7, 25 lbs x 8, 20 lbs x 10.

3) For bent over flyes pick a weight you can perform 12 reps with. Rest 30-60 seconds between sets. Perform 12 reps, 10 reps, 8, reps and 8 reps. When it becomes easier then you can reduce the rest between sets to 20-30 seconds. After you can do 20 seconds of rest between sets then you will progress to a heavier weight and start again

4) For bulgarian split squats pick a weight you can perform between 6-10 reps with. Use the same weight for all 3 sets. Rest 2 minutes between sets. Strive to add one rep to one set every workout. When you can perform 3 sets of 10 reps then add increase the weight of the dumbbells by 5 lbs per hand. The other option is to perform pistol squats (one leg squats) for 3 sets of 6-10 reps bodyweight. This is a challenging movement.

5) For standing calf raises pick a weight you can perform 12 reps with (around 15-20 lbs). Rest 30-60 seconds between sets. Perform 12 reps, 10 reps, 8, reps and 8 reps. When it becomes easier then you can reduce the rest between sets to 20-30 seconds. After you can do 20 seconds of rest between sets then you will progress to a heavier weight and start again


Live to Strive
May 4, 2012
Sees Hawaii's log


At this thread getting xpac heat


(Snoop)They gym aint got love for the stallion :birdman:
Jul 10, 2012
I cut on 2600 cals, seems kind of low even for 144 lbs @ 5'10.

And I'm no expert but a Upper/Lower split would be better than that routine. Plus you are not doing enough back exercises (rule of thumb is for every pressing movement you should be doing a rowing movement), no hamstring exercises, your doing a high rep tricep exercise that hasn't been known to build mass or tricep strength. Long story short the routine is potato.


Live to Strive
May 4, 2012
What do you do for a living

Now I'm a full time student getting my CPA after not going through with a frozen yogurt franchise.

May partner and eventually take over my accountants tax prep business

But I sure as shyt ain't doing nothing fancy for a living at this point


Live to Strive
May 4, 2012
On my off lifting days I do 15-20 minutes of cardio and ab super sets

3 days lifting 3 days cardio and abs and one day off

Lifting days are Mon wed Fri and I alternate workout A and B to ensure that each muscle group is getting 3-4 days of rest

I'll update results once I put on more weight


Live to Strive
May 4, 2012
Yo dog are u half Chinese of some shyt? Get your weight up bruh u got a frame like Zyzz RIP.

Thanks bro I just saw zyzz workout and he ate more and he did more weight training than I do.

I'll see where I'm at in about 3 months and assess from there how I adjust

My goal isn't to be some super big mosh of flesh...still want an aesthetic frame but want a more respectable presence size wise that's still symmetrical.


Allahu Akbar
May 5, 2012
The Ummah!
:whoa: slow down


Calm down bro, by frame I mean if you look at zyzz before he was Brolic he has the same frame to work with by sly already has more muscle than pre Brolic zyzz.

Thanks bro I just saw zyzz workout and he ate more and he did more weight training than I do.

I'll see where I'm at in about 3 months and assess from there how I adjust

My goal isn't to be some super big mosh of flesh...still want an aesthetic frame but want a more respectable presence size wise that's still symmetrical.

I feel u bro, stay at it


Dec 9, 2012
Step ur diet game up man.. You aint gunna bulk wiht 2600 cals shoot for like 3000. Yeah u will gain some fat but who gives a shyt, fat is easy to lose muscles hard to gain.

And i dont like your workout routine.. I dont get why these people do 2 work outs.. split it up into muscle groups my dog.

Deadlifts/Back (1 day by itself, backs big)
Triceps/Biceps (good pump this way)

Take a break for 1 day after back, or for 2 days once and a while.. make sure you let your body heal. Deadlifts and squats are the most important things for growing strength n size.