NYK Loyalist
All Star
I've been a Skyzoo fan since 2004, and since 2010/2011, I've sort of had this opinion. Salvation and Live from the Tape Deck were the last projects IMO he did before he really OD'd on every single line being a coded gem. I think he's very dope and if someone said this was his best album ever I wouldn't disagree.
But I'll just say this. I write daily. I love to read. I listened intently to the words on this album and I'm having a hard time unpacking some of this, because as you said, everything coded is followed up with more. There's no time for me to feel the impact.
I'm not hating. I think he's really really dope. I've always thought that. But on this project I do feel like I have to either zone out and enjoy the vibe or press pause every few bars to digest it.
He is very hit or miss. I will say The Easy Truth album with Apollo and Barrel Brothers with Torae are really good but on his solo projects it seems like he tries way too hard to be overly complex with his rhymes. I didn't love A Dream Deferred, Music For My Friends and so far this one isn't hitting me.