Single and childless 6 ft, 6 figure coli breh @Laidbackman angry these women don't want him

Bubba T

Jul 24, 2015
This guy is complaining about a lot of things people in this forum complain about for years. Yet most of this thread ignores the content of what he's saying, instead making implications of his sexuality :pachaha:

So much inconsistency.


New Bee
May 2, 2012
Queen City
I remember this one from a few weeks back. It's not going to end well for him because hes looking for traditional woman in 2023 who is an 8+ in looks. He didn't say that last part but thats obviously what hes going for.

Women like that in the black community don't work as a cashier at Dollar General or Walmart. Most of them age 20-30 have lots of options and would pass him up to be with someone with perceived higher status, more exciting, or is willing to break their bank within the first 60 days dealing with her. Even if the relationship doesn't go anywhere and would cause emotional trauma she would pass off to the next man.

Even attractive single mothers in their 30's will refuse that deal because they have already established themselves without the help of a man and would see that arrangement as restrictive.

He doesn't understand provider in todays dollars means you not only pay the mortgage, bills, etc, but you are replacing her existing salary as a Nurse/Accountant/Teacher where she was making 60k+ and providing for all the kids expenses. Even then they would still want a nanny occasionally to help.

I don't like whats going on in the dating market either, but I accept whats going on and adapt to it on my terms.

Also, the term "settling" makes no sense in terms of dating. Everything "settles" over time including homes which is the most valuable the average person will buy. Question is, if you go up to or past your "max budget" are you prepared to actually deal with everything that comes with it and preventative maintenance. Everything has underlying issues, no matter if its 100 years old or new construction.

Studious one

Change names, like change clothes; stay a fly girl
May 31, 2022
Captains log, Stardate 1684.2. We now enter day #9,302 of the gender wars. With no end in sight the conflict now moves onto lost planet Kendra G. The battle rages on.

Love this! Repped!


Aug 3, 2013
He’s a liar. First he said he has been making six figures all his life then he said black women used to shyt on him because of how much money he made.

Probably isn’t 6’4”. And why is he in his car shouldn’t he be streaming from his nice bachelor pad?

Lastly, ex-military tells you A LOT about this dude’s entitlement and misogyny. Probably got cheated on and hurt by army thots and can’t function with civilians.

Stop lying nikka!
What makes military brehs entitled and misogynistic? Im not ex military but just curious. Never heard this angle before


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
This is what women mean when they say a nikka has "little dikk energy" 🤣...

Bro is 44 years old. Forty-four. And hes worried about what women "say" they want instead of being him and attracting the women to him...

In real life 99% of women don't give a fukk about your height, you being 6'4 means nothing at all. I promise fam, there's millions and millions of brothers shorter than him who have ZERO issues with their height in attracting women...

Number varies depending on source, but only ~5% of Black men make six figures. Even if you include the criminal brothers you're at maybe 10% tops, I spent 13 years in the streets and never pulled $100k, that shyt isn't easy....

So, we talking at most, 10% of Black men make $100k/year, that number probably closer to ~7.5% because most black men aren't criminals. Women who live in the real world know that 90-95% of their men don't make six figures, they aren't concerned with this...

Women in the real world want to feel protected, secure, and important. There's Black men fulfilling this on $50k salaries...

This corny nikka comes off like he hustled for his income to attract women, if that's all you got, no wonder you're 44 and single my brother...

And I love when these nikkas take shots at brothers with "multiple baby mamas". So basically, you jealous that dudes are still found attractive by women even with multiple baby mamas 😆 don't no woman want a nikka no other woman wants...

And I don't know why having kids by multiple women is a euphemism for trash brothers anyway. The men in my personal life I looked up to the most, a couple of them had children by more than one woman, and these aren't deadbeat, broke, immoral nikkas I'm talking about. These are men of high ass character...

I have two mothers of my kids and these women know a good thing when they see one. It's an initial deterrent to some, sure, but honestly not much. And why would I care if her preference was to not have a man with multiple kids in baby mamas anyway? That just means she's not for me, I can't take back the fact that I have kids or that they have different mothers...

Having no kids at 44 is more of a red flag to many sisters than the 34-year old (me) with 3...

This nikka losing at life and don't even know it. Angry ass. These the type brothers that forget that women also care about charm and morals and humor and how you treat others around you and humility and grace and respect and peace and fukking them good and all this other shyt...

This nikka caught up on being a tall, dark, 6-figure earning black man. My nikka down bad and don't even know it 🤣 this the little dikk energy these chicks talk about 🤣 😂