up in here
Your info is incorrect bruh. The xbox was behind by 29million at the beginning of this year
Last year the xbox outsold the wii by over 4 million.
The xbox has only further pushed that lead up this year, wii has fallen off totally
Expect xbox to gain probably 10million this year, and that number will remain around those numbers for the next 5yrs.
Why? Because then the xbox will drop to $100 in price as the xbox 720 releases
They will fly off shelves, into the homes of the less fortunate.
Nobody will be buying wii's like that. Why should I "give it up" when I'm right?
Xbox 360 tops Wii and PS3 for 1st time in yearly global sales - GeekWire
did we read the same article?
"On a cumulative basis, Nintendo is still the king of the current console generation, with 95 million Wiis sold worldwide, compared with 66 million Xbox 360 for Microsoft and 62 million Ps3s for Sony."
either way console wars is foolish. just enjoy the era of gaming we are in. i got a wii and a ps3. my cousin got an xbox. so having played all three over the past couple of years, realitically speaking all them shyts have been good systems.