Berniewood Hogan
The issue is that wrestling's business model has always been the promotion of personalities. You can't promote a guy who murdered his wife and son because he was mad steroids didn't change the fact he was 5 foot 2. History has nothing to do with it. The Network only offers old content as a hook to encourage you to keep watching new content when you've finished all the old content you wanted to see. Naked Gun is only still for sale to supplement the development of new projects by whoever owns the rights to Naked Gun. History isn't going to forget Benoit. It's just going to note that the thing he's most known for is murdering a beautiful woman and an innocent child. And then killing himself with weight lifting equipment like the true meat head moron he always was.I mean for history sake I don't think he should be celebrated but I can't see the issue when retelling wrestlemanias in docs showing the matches or the build up to them ... That will never mean you condoned what he did but you can't erase moments in history....i love all the naked gun movies should they be erased cuz O.J. may have been a murderer
Do we erase every single movie Harvey Weinstein was involved in that's not fair to everyone else who had nothing to do with it and worked hard