smh all you Heat fans had your 2 year experiment to win titles, but now its officially done and over with. We ain't even worried about the Heat, Lakers are more worried about the Thunder than the Heat. Lakers match up great against the Heat. Only dude we are worried about in the whole league is Durant because he can get his shot off at any time, but other than that, Lakers are easily gonna be better than every other team and only gotta worry about Durant. If the Lakers vs. Heat meet up in the finals, its an easy Lakers in 6. Nash>Chalmers. Kobe>Tracey McWade

Bron>Artest, but Ron guards Bron the best and matches Bron's strength and we got the equalizer Dwight and we dare Bron to try to drive into the paint against D12, and force Bron to become a shooter, which he isn't, which will make Bron and the whole team useless. Pau and Bosh will cancel each other out. Dwight>all the Heat bigs. Plus the Lakers have a better bench and are even younger and better. All yall should enjoy the only ring you will be getting for a long ass time. Yall had your chance but its over. Yall better hope D-Wade discovers the best HGH he can find in the world if you think he is gonna return to his peak and if he can magically have a reliable jumper, another year, another year older for Wade, and he lacks skills and his athleticism is slowly but surely gonna be nonexistent and you add up all injuries. Good luck thinking Bron can carry the Heat

He is practically back in Cleveland. Have fun you Miami stans.