Simps have ruined the market for me


May 30, 2013
Dona Nobis Pacem
So we should not make chicks feel special

:birdman: These threads depress me... too much judgemental b.s. :childplease:


You should just be yourself and be honest about who/what you like. Life is not a music video or a strip club... You don't have to be so worried about what other people think about the woman YOU like... don't let BET tell YOU what you like... What/who you like has no rhyme or reason... be man enough to step to the women that you like...

Confidence is the main rule in dealing with people. If you feel good about yourself, then you'll make better choices. And you won't be so judgmental.

Most of these guys bragging about all the puss they got are #1 LYING :to: or #2 paying for it. :scusthov:

Unfortunately, the women these days are THIRSTY as f@ck! You really don't have to do much to get laid... just be cool strike up a conversation and go from there... And you can do things DUTCH don't have to always pay...
A decent woman is NOT going to try to take your money or have you at the damn steakhouse every week... EVEN IF U CAN AFFORD IT! Honey + money DO NOT MIX....

The #1 problem with all of this is diseases.... IDGAF what anyone says, if they got it you got it... so be prepared to get tested for EVERYTHING every 6 months... you can get it done for free at the local health department....

And if you really want to be a GROWN ASS MAN... :obama: Take the woman and both get tested BEFORE you have sex... you shouldn't wait until your getting warts burned of your unit to find out she has HPV....

And never ever ever go raw..... Don't do it.... unless you want a baby or herpes, hpv or worse...

A chick who gives it up to you JUST LIKE THAT ain't just start....

Use condoms & spermicidal lube... inside/outside

Use flavored condoms for oral... (protects YOU from herpes, syphilis of the throat,etc.)

Protect yourself if you're giving oral by cutting the up one side and opening it flat to use as a dental dam by covering the vagina... (protects you SOMEWHAT from HPV - which is causing an increase in oral/throat cancers in STRAIGHT MEN)

Take your little guys with you... you DON'T want to get set up... always dispose of your own condom!

It's demonic out chea in these streets...

1 in 3 has HPV, 1 in 5 has herpes, and in some cities 1 in 10 HIV positive.

People are running amok....

Here's a good link to get info on safe sex...

Sexual and Reproductive Health | Go Ask Alice!

If you want to have sex on a regular basis :jawalrus: (like what guy doesn't) find a nice girl with a good head on her shoulders who has goals...

And try to build something.... just be clear about your level of interest , and take time to make sure you don't have a stage five clinger....

But always practice safe sex...

You don't want to give your wife HPV Which can develop into cervical cancer AFTER you've finally settled down...

And last but not least, you can't tell who's CLEAN from looking at them...

I've seen some very "healthy" looking patients with that ETHER down below...:rip:



52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
stop focusing on other dudes. be great and always strive to get better in all aspects of your life. focus on your dreams.

then let them choose first. after that 85% of the work is done. then you can just choose amongst the ones that have already chosen you.

the other simps will make you stand out. the girls will see all these other dudes catering to their every wants meanwhile you're just focused on your dreams not giving a single fukk. some of them will feel rejected by you and will want your attention (if there is a slight attraction towards you to begin with of course).

stop blaming your shortcomings on other people. take ownership of it. once you own it, you're free to transform it into something positive. if you let simps own your shortcomings, then you can never do anything about it because it'll always be in their hands...Good luck and God bless you breh
you fail to recognize that the pool of women ha largely been corrupted by simps. if you have a baby and you never make that baby walk on their own and that baby turns 10 having never taken a step is that baby gonna just get up and start walking or has that baby's development become warped leading it to a point where it can't walk.

i don't blame these women i blame the simps that enable them, provide for them, and ultimately corrupt them to the point where all they know is having some simp they can control and manipulate being her boyfriend and fukking irresponsible social degenerates on the side.

these women have no need for a decent honest hard working quality man because he can't be controlled, manipulated and enable them to be irresponsible. they don't develop as people because some guy will just step in and save them from themselves.

there's a whole generation of women corrupted and ruined because they didn't have to develop as people. they could be as irresponsible as they wanted and a simp stepped in to fix their lives so things like character, honesty, loyalty, responsibility, and other desirable traits don't exist in them.


May 6, 2012
you fail to recognize that the pool of women ha largely been corrupted by simps. if you have a baby and you never make that baby walk on their own and that baby turns 10 having never taken a step is that baby gonna just get up and start walking or has that baby's development become warped leading it to a point where it can't walk.

i don't blame these women i blame the simps that enable them, provide for them, and ultimately corrupt them to the point where all they know is having some simp they can control and manipulate being her boyfriend and fukking irresponsible social degenerates on the side.

these women have no need for a decent honest hard working quality man because he can't be controlled, manipulated and enable them to be irresponsible. they don't develop as people because some guy will just step in and save them from themselves.

there's a whole generation of women corrupted and ruined because they didn't have to develop as people. they could be as irresponsible as they wanted and a simp stepped in to fix their lives so things like character, honesty, loyalty, responsibility, and other desirable traits don't exist in them.
:manny: fukk 'em. they either come back or they don't. But usually, once she realizes she owns the simp and gets her little boost from him, she comes back to you to try to own you. once she sees she can't own you the same way, maybe another simp comes and she conquors him as well. then she comes back to you and she's still can't get to you, now she wants you and you can get her on your own terms.

but i'm starting to get what you guys are saying...When ever you guys said it, i thought you meant it like simps corrupted the game by making it harder to get p*ssy (which i disagree). but i realize today that you guys meant it more like simps corrupted the game by making it harder to choose one to build with out of this entitled batch (which i definitely agree with)


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
:manny: fukk 'em. they either come back or they don't. But usually, once she realizes she owns the simp and gets her little boost from him, she comes back to you to try to own you. once she sees she can't own you the same way, maybe another simp comes and she conquors him as well. then she comes back to you and she's still can't get to you, now she wants you and you can get her on your own terms.

but i'm starting to get what you guys are saying...When ever you guys said it, i thought you meant it like simps corrupted the game by making it harder to get p*ssy (which i disagree). but i realize today that you guys meant it more like simps corrupted the game by making it harder to choose one to build with out of this entitled batch (which i definitely agree with)
simps don't make it harder to get p*ssy simps corrupt women and enable them to be irresponsible. if there were 10 women and all 10 of them had to grow up and make it on their own that builds their character and makes them more responsible and out of those 10 a high number will grow to have decent character.

if instead all 10 of them know they can go out and find a guy to enable them and behave as impulsively as they want to then very few of them will develop into people of worthwhile character.

what i'm saying is simps lessen the number of decent women out there so when you're looking for a quality woman it becomes much harder. if you just want p*ssy that's not an issue though.

some people have natural high character to an extent you can put them in any environment and they'll still come out good people and some people need to be put in situations to develop themselves.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
if all these hoes gassed anyway

might as well go for the good ones :manny: no need to fish at the bottom of the barrel friend


May 6, 2012
simps don't make it harder to get p*ssy simps corrupt women and enable them to be irresponsible. if there were 10 women and all 10 of them had to grow up and make it on their own that builds their character and makes them more responsible and out of those 10 a high number will grow to have decent character.

if instead all 10 of them know they can go out and find a guy to enable them and behave as impulsively as they want to then very few of them will develop into people of worthwhile character.

what i'm saying is simps lessen the number of decent women out there so when you're looking for a quality woman it becomes much harder. if you just want p*ssy that's not an issue though.

some people have natural high character to an extent you can put them in any environment and they'll still come out good people and some people need to be put in situations to develop themselves.
in that case, i definitely agree with your post. i just thought the TS meant it more like getting p*ssy.