but the Coli said mean Common was Gene HackmanOn Ep 4 and the only 2 flaws I can find are the fact that the main chick’s accent goes from American to British to Irish on a whim and Common
ya that generator scene caused me a lot of anxiety lol
ngl I was disappointed too when I realized the last ep airing was the season finale…the show progressed so quickly that I didn’t even really pay attention to the episode numbers the last few eps
Common did just fine. I have no idea what anyone’s problem with his acting is.
The ending kind of confused me.
Why would they have a fake AI generate the outside world as lush and green when its really what the judicial has been telling the populace for 200 years
This is what you get upset about13 years old, just cracked a fukkin egg on a hot ass skillet, immediately decides to stop what she's doing to perform surgery on a chair.they temporarily made her retarded for a scene without any real justification. Like what was the point of writing it that way, just so her dad can yell at her? Stop being a blind stan. Im enjoying the hell out of this show, and if it took 4 episodes for me to have something to criticize, they're doing something right.
I thought the lush green one was the fake.Common did just fine. I have no idea what anyone’s problem with his acting is.
The ending kind of confused me.
Why would they have a fake AI generate the outside world as lush and green when its really what the judicial has been telling the populace for 200 years, a dangerous wasteland? Yea I get maybe not wanting people to know that there are other Silo’s and hence, other groups of humans out there but if your going to strap people into a suit that, presumably is designed for them to perish from the outside world’s fumes then whats the point of a fake atmosphere?
it’s crazy how much softer/more feminine her face looks in this mission impossible movie…she was damn near looking like a skinny dude in silo
Poverty of her level.