Finished Ep. 6 now. Man, it's a frustrating watch. On one hand they give you juust enough to keep you engaged with the bigger mysteries and plot and on the other they throw you every day bullshyt with mediocre writing as a way to stall the reveals.
At this point I ain't emotionally attached to Juliette to be

about her daily life as a DIY sheriff. The show tries its hardest to make me care but I'm very close to just fast forward to the big scenes and skip the rest
This past ep. the lady in Mechanical that is her mother figure goes from being really worried about her well being because she's being watched and wanted dead by the powers that be to encouraging her to keep that job because....well, Juliette needed to be convinced to stay and there's no one else on her life that can have that kind of pull on her. And the stuff with George's ex was straight up bad.
Common and Billings stories are way more compelling than Juliette's. And it really sucks because Ferguson does her best with what she's given.
Having said all that. You get to the final reveal and I'm like "I have to keep watching to see were this leads". I think I'd be way more forgiving on the writing if the premise wasn't so damn dope and interesting. We got a prestige TV/HBO setting but run of the mill cable writing. It's a weird ass combination
Looks like a set up for a classic heel turn
But writing on this episode was frustrating. Juliette always has tons of questions, wants a whole investigation about a fukking Pez meanwhile Regina is telling her that
there's a man coming to see her every night and George left her some crazy shyt. Juliette proceeds to asks half a question and is like 'alright I'm gonna head out' .
Lonely ass Regina basically has to stop her in order for Juliette to ask for the magazine and then she leaves without asking about the man again
The Regina stuff made no cotdamn sense. This bytch Juliette shows up in the middle of the night with wild ass accusations and Regina not only confesses ASAP but she immediately trusts Juliette to the point of telling her everything and giving her a nuke of a reveal
